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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Their engine is not the issue. Starfield in particular needed a lot more investment into making their engine work for that style of game, but it is functional for FO and TES. Switching to UE would require building a ton of tools, creating a lot of new tech, and having the team learn to use it. UE isn’t just some perfect engine you can swap over to. It has tons of issues and things you need to learn. The bones of it are as old as the Creation Engine’s too.

    My biggest issue with Starfield was the writing. The stories were boring and mostly didn’t make sense. They also forced you down one or two paths, even when other options should have been available. This is also true for their other games, but much less noticeable.

    They’ve also been removing the player’s ability to make their own fun in the world, and instead you just have to follow what they’ve given you. For example, no spell crafting in Skyrim, and very limited enchanting. Why? They still aren’t balanced. They’re just less fun and interesting.

  • That’s not a silly argument if your argument is about national security. For the exact same reason, China blocks almost all western apps. It gives a potential route for whatever nation is considered hostile to influence your population, and TikTok has actually activated this influence at least once directly. They tried to activate their users to protest congress from passing laws restricting them.

    Basically, they have the ability to influence users, and they also have the will to do so as they’ve already shown. In what world eould they not be a national security threat? It’s also really hard for me to accept this argument from a Chinese company when China has the great firewall to “protect” it’d citizens from outside influence.

    You can argue that it is not to benefit the citizens and rather just the state, which is fair. You can’t reasonably argue that the state has nothing to fear.

  • One thing you’ll have to learn to deal with is that it isn’t Windows. Some things will work differently, or the specific tool or functionality you’re used to might not exist. There are probably different solutions to the same problem that might do the job, but may be different than what you had before. It’s the same with everything. There’s tradeoffs, and you have to come to terms with and get used to the differences. You can fight it and try to force it to be what you are used to, or you can get used to what it is.

    This isn’t to say to give up on your search. I don’t know what FancyZones is or what it does. I’m just saying be open to learning a new way to do something. I’ve seen a lot of people struggle trying to make their system into a Windows clone, and it ends up being more trouble than just coming to terms with it being different.

  • There are a ton of options. Plenty of people (me included) wouldn’t recommend Mint, but some will. Everyone has their preferences and tolerance for certain things. The most important step is to just switch. You can always move distros.

    Personally, for a new user, I’d say Fedora with KDE is a good choice. I use the gaming version of Garuda, which just comes with some extra stuff for gaming you’ll probably need anyway, which you can do manually or just grab this. Regardless, KDE is probably what you want coming from Windows. It behaves similarly to Windows, but is very customizable. Other DEs have other benefits though, so there will always be other recommendations.

  • Yeah, go ahead and have extra-genocide. I’m sure everyone being harmed appreciates that your maintaining your morals by instead doing nothing.

    In the trolley problem you get a choice to pull the lever or not. Choosing not to is still a choice. In this one you can choose to divert the trolley to kill a fraction of the people, or choose to keep the trolley on course where it’ll kill the people on that other track and a bunch of others. Make your choice. You don’t get out of making a choice by abstaining. That’s still a choice.

  • No, it isn’t for them. It’s to bring attention to the subject and have other people pay attention, and hopefully rise up and demand change. The political class will do what’s convenient. It’s up to everyone else to make the most convenient choice the moral choice.

    Seeing someone choose to die in what must be the most painful way possible indicates there must be some reason they feel so strongly. It then forces anyone paying even a little attention to confront what that reason is (assuming they did their messaging g well). Once they confront it, the hope is that they feel even a fraction of the conviction of these brave people.

    Edit: I want to add, if you feel like taking this extreme action, make sure it’s truly the best option. There are so many ways to make your message heard and I’m doubtful this is the most useful. There are groups who could use your time/knowledge/conviction/money who are trying to creating change.