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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024


  • Gonna downvote you here bröder and chip in with the people defending Apple’s products while recognizing that Apple did go through a lawsuit and that they did indeed participate in this shady-ass practice. Whether they still do - who knows, we live in a funny age.

    From personal experience, not only is the build quality superior but they do last pretty long. I’ve got 3 devices personally and have had experience with many more.

    My SE that’s old as hell now. I’m not gonna say it runs every app just fine, but the OS functions just fine. I use it as a music player now tho and iPhone 14 as my phone.

    SE2 was shit, I’ll admit.

    I bought M1 Air when they just came out - it has barely slowed down. Admittedly, it was after my 12 year old Acer plastic clunker decided to not wake up one day.

    I also just recently used a friend’s pretty ancient iPad for Procreate and that worked just fine as well.

    If someone’s looking for great UI/UX out of the box and great industrial design, what other alternatives are there besides Apple? At least for smartphones there are none. If someone did put a really nice feeling (physically) smartphone in front of me and said: “hey, you can switch everything off with hardware switches and all the apps you’re used to are supported plus the UI and the camera is competent”, I might jump, maybe. Depending on how I could manage my workflow with Linux bc I’m not going to Windows and in this hypothetical scenario if I’m jumping Apple, I’m jumping everything not just the phone.

    All that said, I have been giving a thought to all of this for some time and as soon as the time is right for me, I will switch, out of principle. I would love to be able to run some other OS on Apple phone hardware tho.

  • Pretty much, yeah. It’s just sort of depressing seeing what people think(?) and then spend their time writing.

    When it comes to Russia - Ukraine war, I think people outside of Russia’s doorstep have really weird, theorethical, warped perception of what it means and how it impacts the region.

    It can probably be said about most wars, the people the closest to it are the most aware of the nuances, history and reprocussions of it, but since this is such a high profile, global system shaking war, a lot more people feel like pitching into the conversation and from what I see in the comments under articles like this, the people who decide to leave a comment either haven’t lived under authoritarian rule or haven’t lived in a post-authoritarian rule society.

    I’m trying to choose my words carefully here because I don’t want to bash communism and make it seem inherently opressive, although I think there are better socialist alternatives to communism.

    So what I mean is, I get bummed out when I see comments that feel completely detached from reality and I should just stop reading the comments under these threads.

  • By “we” I assume you mean Americans? I’m a Latvian and from my perspective, you don’t have to give too much of a shit about the states you named. A lot of them are doing just fine. Especially Poland, Czechia and Slovenia.

    What I personally care about, not just when it comes to Americans, is a bit more of a spine. I’m sure Putin would break faster if the pressure was harder. And I’m sure Europe could take the discomforts of war time economy. Instead there’s been pussyfooting.

    That said, I’m just an average Joe, I might just be ignorant.

  • Start naming 😄 I wouldn’t say most. Britain, France, Prussia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, France and Russia had their little swingers club changing partners every few years or so, but there are more countries in Europe.

    I’m from Latvia. Russian chauvinism is something I know of first hand. Most other European countries that I have been to have a different, more accepting vibe than the parts that are Russian influenced and manipulated.

    So it really can’t be said about most European countries. Maybe historically, but definitely not currently.

    I’d like to reitarate that there are good people everywhere. Part of my family is Russian and I like them. I have Russian friends. But it can’t be denied that as a state it’s goddamn awful and should disintegrate asap.