There’s a thread about how people find new books, and one of my favorite ways to find things to read was browsing comments from the weekly ‘What are you reading’ threads in r/truelit and r/books. So what is Lemmy reading?

I’m finishing The Passenger, and about to jump into John Williams’ Stoner. Excited to see what is next!

    1 year ago

    I recently finished Black Rock and the rest of the Eddie Dougherty mystery series by John McFetridge and thought they were really well done. The books have the attention to detail of Michael Connelly police procedurals, but are set in Montreal in the 1970s, starting with the events leading up to the October Crisis, which provide a really fascinating backdrop. The city really becomes its own character.

    I had a hard time getting into McFetridge’s earlier books, but these are very different and have become some of my favorite mystery novels. I read an interview with him saying that it was a conscious shift in tone.