Source: https://t.me/pravdaGerashchenko_en/29713
Russian schoolchildren reported their teacher from temporarily occupied Crimea to the “SMERSH” movement for a song in Ukrainian that she sang on a bus.
The teacher was detained, forced to apologize on camera and allegedly fired from the school.
“Rasulova Linara Shukhratova, chemistry teacher at Murom school in the Belogorsk district in Crimea. <…> The video shows a trip on a school bus where Linara tried to sing the Ukrainian anthem and the Nazi “Chervona Kalyna”, our patriotic children interrupted her with the Russian Anthem. I think she should never teach in Russia again, be deprived of citizenship and sent to Saloreich!”, - the administrator of the newly created after blocking Telegram channel “Crimean SMERSH” wrote and published a video from the bus, where songs in Ukrainian and the anthem of the Russian Federation are performed.
After that, the channel posted a video of the teacher’s detention, then a video of her apology, and then a post about her being fired from the school.
Source: ASTRA
denunciation worship and strong armed apologies are absolutely pathetic