It seems to me like this is just a bribe to shut up about the cause of the lawsuit. It doesn’t lead to justice, and is not punitive enough in the case of large corporations.

I find this disgusting and immoral, but maybe I’m getting something wrong…? I hope so.

Please explain to me why this is, I’m getting irrationally angry at the fact that no one goes to trial for anything, including environmental hazards, rape, etc.

Edit: Found a source that details all the good reasons to go to trial instead of settling. Personally, an admission of guilt and real consequences to a misdeed are incomparably more important than a slap on the wrist like a settlement.

Edit 2: I see all the replies mentioning time and costs as the biggest reasons. And I get that, rationally. But sometimes people are irrational, I can’t believe 90% of lawsuits settle… (actually it’s 95% - )

    1 year ago

    Other people have covered the main reasons, which are time and expense. I will just add:

    • Lawsuits are public, and a lot of dirty laundry can get aired. They have the potential to be embarrassing for both sides.

    • They are also stressful, particularly if you are cross-examined which must be an awful experience.

    • Finally, they are risky: even if you think you have a very solid case, there is always a significant chance that the judge will rule against you on the day.

    Basically litigation is a bad experience, whether you are plaintiff or defendant, corporate or individual, right or wrong. So both parties have a strong incentive to settle.