Hopefully I’m posting this in the right place, but I see Reddit developments as Tech news right now.
Wanted to share a website that is tracking Subreddits that have/will be going dark. It even has a sound notification for when they change their status.
They’re about 1/5 of the way through the subreddits that said they would go dark. It’s crazy watching all of them blink out in real time.
Feels a little apocalyptic.
We shall see which subs stay closed past two days. A lot of moderators have said they will reopen because otherwise Reddit will remove them. Saying out loud that the protest is toothless. Only the moderators willing to be removed will have any impact. If there is a mass de-modding that requires Reddit Corporate to fill in permanently with their own mods, only then will lasting actual damage be done. Otherwise, the protest is a speedbump that Corporate won’t even feel.