• thedirtyknapkin@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    i will never get over them fighting with the community about whether the game had multi player when it clearly provably didn’t.

    when this game was announced i literally laughed at how badly overpromised it was. that generation of console would never have never been capable of what they wanted. i told all my friends not to buy it because it obviously couldn’t possibly deliver on even half of its claims. they literally just promised everything you could ever want in a space exploration game. the other games that had tried to do that with more resources, more time, and that required better hardware couldn’t even come close to a quarter of what they promised.

    they had to know they were over promising. i simply can’t ever trust them after all of that. also, i don’t often like randomly procedurally generated environments in an exploration game. they just get boring fast without someone crafting an exploration experience with goals and points of interest.