Quak, Quak, quuaakk

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • You know these are all Kremlin talking points right?

    Most of the money the US spends on Ukraine NEVER leaves the US. It is simply given to the US military as additional budget to buy new toys and give their old unwanted or nearly expired toys to Ukraine.

    Ukraine became a separate country after the mortal enemy of the US the Soviet union collapsed under her own weight at the end of the cold war. It’s weird to hear Americans say what you said… being a country that fought for independence from a colonial oppressor and still proudly celebrates that.

  • It isn’t illegal or extraditable to not want to do business in Brazil. But Twitter wanted to do business there while ignoring a ruling from the Brazilian high court… and that won’t fly. They fought the ruling through the courts and ended up with an unfavorable final verdict and decided… nah fuck them judges and their Brazilian law. That’s when you cross the line into stuff that will get you fined, blocked and should get you extradited.

    Edit: afaik the accounts that should have been banned, one was used to invite the military to rise up against the government, the other doxxed a police officer investigating the issue of the account advocating the military rise up. Both accounts where requested shutdown as part of these investigations.

  • I’m not into conspiracy theories, but I find the confidence that is used in the defense of this origin just as Shakey as the lab leak theory.

    The lab location and research done means there is a lot of potential incentive for the Chinese government, the lab and even researchers in the field to not have it be a lab leak… As this would potentially cause an entire (important) field of study and their methods be regulated into oblivion by poorly written knee jerk laws.

    I’m fine with this as the accepted consensus on the subject, but I’ll keep my reservations for whatever good those do me.

    So how’s the abolishing of wet markets going? And the reduction of antibiotics use in industrial scale farming?

  • So if a company is required to have a legal representative in a country, so the government has someone to talk to instead of getting a poop emoji email. And the company says… nah, we’re good… this is fine?

    And if posts on a social media, active in a country, break the laws of a country, that’s fine too?

    Because if someone would start putting out tweets for selling suicide powder in the US, or a school shooting DIY kit… that would be taken down too.

    Probably making the tweets unavailable in Brazil/for Brazilian users would have been enough… but Mr … “I’m agitating for someone to try and assassinate harris” thinks it should be allowed.

    Courts are there for a reason. If they (Twitter) do not want to follow Brazilian law, they should just withdraw from the Brazilian market. But they are already changing course.

    Maybe they can get that AI generated robot lady with the hand gestures to make Another video.

  • No, that is why countries have extradition treaties, extradition hearings and/or sign up to other treaties. To make sure law is respected across borders but not simply abused by bad actors.

    This also goes for bad actor sicophants that repeatedly and knowingly break a Brazilian law they don’t agree with and then thumb their nose at their legal system.

    And even without these treaties it’s known to happen. Examples: The Netherlands does not have an extradition treaty with Dubai, but when the most wanted man of the Netherlands was verified to be there, the Dubai police arrested him, drove him to the airport and chucked him into a Dutch government plane waiting at the airport. That’s the downside of hiding in a country that does not care about individual rights… of their chief decides you should be “not here” they kick you out… no due process, nothing. And just recently the kid of the same guy… also very wanted was found and brought to the Netherlands in the same fashion.