• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • There’s been a trend towards simplicity/minimalism in UX for a long time. Sometimes it works really well. Other times it makes it difficult to find things like setting preferences (or they just don’t implement them because the assholes think they know better than you).

    For me, MS is a mixed bag. Some of the UX changes are good, some of it is horrible.

    But I love a well done minimalist UX. Obsidian and Reaper are two examples that come to mind.

  • I have so little faith in polls anymore. I know Silver and others try to patch over the shortcomings by analyzing multiple polls and running weighted probability equations on them and so on. But I always think of GIGO: garbage in, garbage out.

    And of course, probabilities are just that: probabilities. So if they say candidate X has a 75% chance to beat candidate Y, that means candidate Y still wins 25% of the time. Which is much higher than we intuit when we just look at the 75%. Anybody who’s rolled a 1d4 in D&D knows that 1 will come up more than we’d like.

    Allan Lichtman’s analysis is more interesting to me. He’s been right 9 out of 10 times. Which certainly doesn’t mean he’ll be right this time. But I think it’s cool that he ignores polls. I wonder if his methodology, while very clever, may not be up to date for 2024 with all the weird shit going on with judges, electors, etc. The “meta issues”, if you will, around his “Keys to the White House.”


  • I guess with the constant outrage machine and fear mongering that goes on 24x7 now, some people have just grown numb. It just doesn’t register with them that democracy itself is on the line right now. If Trump wins, people could get put into camps. The very real possibility of that just doesn’t sink in. They have forgotten that our nation has been to these dark places before. Our history is stained with that sort of regressive authoritarian nightmare stuff.