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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • There are a few games that you might miss out on with this method. Some devs (it’s not many) list their games at what they think is a fair forever price and will not ever offer the game at a reduced price. Again, this isn’t a lot of devs, but one notable one is Wube, makers of Factorio.

    I generally agree with your method, mostly because I have a large enough backlog to be able to wait for sales, but it is also worth doing research on some devs to see if a sale will ever happen.

  • This assumes that there is a general level of benevolence and altruism in tech companies. There might be some, but probably not enough.

    I should say that I absolutely would love if your idea (or credit to the original creator) actually happen. It would be fantastic and I would much prefer that world to what I think we’re going to get.

    I think my original two questions still stand:

    1. Does journalism/arts/scientific publishing produce enough content and varied enough content to be sufficient to training the models? I doubt it because let’s say there are 500,000,000 (500M) authors/creators that could be supported by their efforts. That’s a small number compared to several billion people posting on social media, blogs, forums, etc. They also post on a much more broad set of topics. If the tech companies were benevolent and did pay for content, how many more authors and creators could they create? Let’s say they double it, that’s another 500M people (we’ll assume that many more people are even available for these professions). They all need salaries let’s say they each make 60000/year. That’s 30 trillion in expenses/salaries. Even playing with the numbers some, half the people, half the salary and the number is still in the trillions. And that’s probably still not enough content and isn’t even close to the output of several billion people. I think the actual solution would be to partner with social media companies (like they already are) to find ways of inticing more participation to get additional data, but even that probably isn’t enough if we believe the original study

    2. Why partner with newspapers, scientific journals, whatever for likely pretty high fees? Currently, they can subscribe to all the journals, newspapers, etc for probably less than a million/year. That’s cheap for them, they probably already did it. They are probably paying reddit more than that alone. Right now, Facebook is probably negotiating on their treasure trove to get Zuckerberg his next billion dollar bonus.

    Overall, I don’t think they are interested in quality data, I think they just want more. Pretty soon they will have consumed everything ever produced (that’s in a format that can be digested) and humanity it’s entirety will not be able to produce data fast enough. At that point, they will probably start producing their own content and asking humans what is valuable and what is not. By 2040, your favorite author may be a machine and the NY best sellers may be a way to determine which AI content is good enough to train the next Gen on.

  • I think in their crazy world, the north pole is at the center of the earth disk and Antarctica is actually an ice wall around the perimeter that keeps the water on the disk. Therefore, Africa and Australia are on opposite sides of the disk (like left-right not heads-tails) or are near the out perimeter and no one would build a cable going across that long of a distance.

    If that makes your brain hurt because of the stupidity, that’s because it is. Flat earthers are only good as the target of a joke because we can all agree that it’s stupid. There are some entertaining videos on YouTube of people making fun of them, or of themselves proving themselves wrong.

  • Square has had a lot of popular games past FF7. Just in the Final Fantasy series, they’ve had good success with ff9, ff10, ff12, ff14, and ff7 remakes. All of the others in the series are usually pretty well liked too. That’s just their final fantasy main line series however.

    They also have Dragon Quest, Tomb Raider, Marvel’s (both good and bad), and Kingdom Hearts. They also published Nier: Automata; but I’m not sure how much that counts as their game.

    All of those series have had successful and unsuccessful games, based on objective sales figures. It seems you may be thinking that SquareEnix == FF only, but that’s not really true. And sure, the FF games have a lot in common, but so do the Halo games, the CoD games, etc. That’s because they are all part of the same series and it is expected that they have similarities.