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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • I sympathize with the cynicism in your last paragraph, but I push a little optimism back on a couple points. 1: our capability for speech may be limited by the corporations who have grabbed control over our media platforms, but insofar as freedom of speech refers to our ability to speak freely without retaliation from the government, we do still have real free speech. It’s a juvenile point, but given events in the last few years it’s not a right I take for granted as I did previously. That being said, I did just watch a video of FBI agents interrogating a woman in front of her house for posting non-violent content on Facebook relating to Gaza that you can add to a pile of evidence that the government is frequently toeing the line on free speech, so… that’s not good.

    2: Regulatory authority has become almost laughably meek, granted, but you’re commenting on a video of one of the most aggressive regulators to hold the position in as long as I’m aware. This is a powerful sign that regulatory capture is not inevitable if we care enough to vote for candidates who will appoint strong regulators – even if it hurts our pride to do so (<<conscientious vote objectors).

  • At some point, if the people don’t say enough, let it all come crashing down, and rebuild a more equitable system

    Who’s organizing this? Your withdrawal isn’t part of some collective movement, it is solitary and impotent. It is harmful. There’s no board room hosting the league of evil medical barons, no agenda item about how Allonzee stopped donating blood so they’d better start taking things seriously. You’re not changing anything, and squeezing sick people isn’t a necessary step in effecting change anyway.

    There’s no “we” and there’s no collapsing. These systems persist despite your personal rebellion, because they’re really good at persisting until faced with overwhelming collective action. Until then, fucking help people.

    Sorry friend, it’s not really about you. But a lot of good people who care about inequity have let their pride convince them that systems will implode if they personally choose to stop participating in them. That’s not how it works. The only people feeling any hurt are the innocents in your own communities.

  • Seriously, I get it. It’s fucking infuriating, but again…what’s the alternative? Is there some way in which this moral rigidity is not holding patients hostage in an impotent effort to force change in a broader healthcare industry?

    There are alternative and more effective methods of effecting change that don’t involve sacrificing life or well-being. I implore anyone who’s rightfully disgusted by this reality to grit your teeth and help people however you can, and direct your ire where it’s best deserved.

  • The next link in the donation delivery chain is unrelated? Agree to disagree.

    Forgive me, but this is misguidedly reductive. No healthcare is provided in the US, by providers, without being subjected to capitalist exploitation. If I understand your thought process, a collective of the best pharmaceutical scientists in the world could create a completely non-profit pharmaceutical NGO, design and manufacture life-saving drugs, and give them away to hospitals (or sell them at-cost). But so long as hospitals then charge profit rates for those drugs, it would be ethically indefensible to financially support the NGO?

    Is that not holding patients hostage in an impotent effort to force change in the broader healthcare industry? I donate to my local non-profit blood center, who (assuming they’re similar to ARC) sells my blood to local hospitals at-cost, and then my blood is used to save a patient in need. The patient will then be responsible for paying the hospital exorbitant sums for my blood (from which the blood center doesn’t benefit) and all the other services it provides, but what’s the alternative?

    Edit: would it make a difference if the blood center didn’t charge hospitals for the blood, even though the hospital will still charge patients?

  • We replaced our HP OfficeJet with a Brother this year. I don’t even know what we were thinking getting the HP 5 years ago or so, it was gross overkill for us. But of all the things it could do, it was most consistent with printing like shit and jamming paper. Part of the problem was that we just print too infrequently, but having to replace overpriced cartridges from HP didn’t help. You also have to install apps for wireless printing (or if there’s a workaround we didn’t bother with it).

    The Brother is a color laser printer and it’s perfect for us. No apps needed, super quiet and hassle-free (there have been no paper jams or transmission errors), and the print quality is crisp as hell.