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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023

  • YT emailed us yesterday to say that they believed our family Premium account is not, in fact, based in Ukraine where Premium is a fraction of the cost of other countries in Europe.

    Anyway, by the time they’ve pulled the plug on us I’ll have FreeTube set up and rolling. Fuck ‘em.

    I’m more than happy to sling them a fiver a month to get shot of adverts, but they can lick my arsehole if they think I’m ponying up £20 a month just so my wife and I can watch stuff without being advertised at as much as they think is reasonable.


  • Today I sold my beloved 2008 Mini, partly because, while the engine was still completely sound at 130k miles (barring the turbo that blew up three years ago), the rest of the car was beginning to fall apart. One of the rear light clusters kept shorting, interior panels worked themselves loose, the AC stopped working, the self leveling mechanism in one of the headlights broke. And so on, and so on.

    I’m genuinely sad that I had to let it go, but it was on the cusp of being a massive pain in the ass to sort out.

    But that engine was still solid.

  • Here in the UK you can be prosecuted for calling an ambulance unnecessarily. As a result, not many people do it. If we’re calling for one, chances are it’s because we need one.

    Broken foot and we’re not alone on a mountain somewhere? We’ll make our own way to A&E, thanks. Having a heart attack? You gotta know we’re hitting 999 and demanding an ambulance.

    And yeah, of course there are people who try it on because they think their special, or they’re having a real bad mental health time, but we have pretty highly trained operators who know how to sift through the calls and triage them appropriately. It’s not often that one of our ambulances gets to a frivolous call.

  • I 'member seeing some Conservative Chud on Reddit arguing with people about how it’s actually good that ambulances are so expensive, otherwise people might use them as a free taxi to the hospital AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY FUCKING ARE

    :edit to add: OF COURSE I’m not saying that everyone should be entitled to a free ambulance ride to the hospital for every medical requirement. What I’m saying is that if you do need one, it shouldn’t bankrupt you. Here in the UK it’s getting increasingly difficult to get an ambulance if you feel you need one, so most people tend not to bother and just get driven in, or get told by the operator at 999 that it might be a long wait, so to go to hospital under their own steam if possible.

    But if we do get an ambulance, we don’t have to take out a mortgage.

    But the point is, whatever your take, an ambulance is LITERALLY a taxi to the hospital. That’s the only place they go.

  • This was really thrown into sharp focus for me a couple of years back, when I read an article about how people with ocular implants are being left to go blind again because the company who made their implant has been bought by another company who doesn’t want to continue support.

    I just can’t think about how callous that is, and if a company doesn’t give a shit about that, why would they give a shit about a car?