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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • You are just trying to live your life and it is so unimaginable an existence that it is incongruous with their concept of a comfortable life.

    There is nothing wrong with your life, so long as you are happy and healthy. There is nothing wrong with their concept of a comfortable life. Both are shaped by notions derrived from life experience and personal prioritizations and either party cannot hold the other to be worthwhile without a greater understanding of the individual.

    Hurting someone else’s feelings is an unavoidable truth in living a radically different path that they do not understand.

    The best you can do for them is to try and help them see that their path is not the only one. Help them to understand your needs are met and you respect their path.

    Next time, you can try to help them understand that they can offer nothing of value that will make your life better for you and give them an opportunity to understand you are whole in your path. Ask them what they want your life to be like, what your life is lacking, what they can do for you, and address each of their points with salient and cogent arguments that express your contention in your life’s circumstances.

    If their best efforts have no value to you, help them understand that, if you don’t want to hurt their well intentioned efforts.

  • Social workers are typically people who love to help people, it gives their life meaning and purpose. They have helped numerous people in rough situations get a comfortable living situation and have no further need of assistance and every time they are over the moon with joy for what they have been able to do for that person.

    They meet people who genuinely need help that they can provide and are turned down because of pride/humiliation. Some of those people just need them to be persistent for their help to be accepted.

    It must be so soul crushing and demoralizing to have someone you believe you can help tell you to take it on the arches.

    While you don’t need their help and are happy living as you do, they think you do need their help and won’t accept it. Your radical freedom breaks their well-meaning, but misguided, hearts.

  • You can shoot an AR-15 pattern rifle, including the military versions, with the stock up against your nuts and it won’t hurt. The recoil is very low because the power is very low and the system of operation absorbs a lot of the energy, combined with the weight of the rifle means it is soft shooting. The stock doesn’t need to touch your shoulder for you to be accurate with effect out to 50 yards or more so long as you do your part.

    Honestly, just having it pulled against any part of your body with a decent view of the sight is enough to ring steel or put holes in paper.

  • In current mainstream thought gender =/= sex.

    So your second point should be phrased “Is changing sex also (soon to be) possible”, as sex is genetic and gender is a concept.

    Maybe with some radical gene therapy sex could be changed, but I imagine that to be a rather long and unpleasant process if physical changes happened. It would probably be more feasible to make a clone with the different sex and then transplant consciousness. That just raises further questions like if you died and is that still you. Probably before that is viable we will be uploaded to computer systems to escape the environmental effects of our actions and your avatar will be up to your whims.

  • No, divorce is a taboo in all 3 groups and is seen as a personal failure to be unable to maintain a marriage. On the flip side there is a degree of unhappy marriages that persist because remarrying is not really possible if you stay in the community. Leaving the community means being shunned and that is pretty horrible.

    All 3 tend to have big families, because they come from big families. The Amish and Mennonites need the labor, Mormons just want to go forth and prosper.