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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • It’s irresponsible because making it sound like it’s true AI when it’s not is going to make it difficult to pull the plug when things go wrong and you’ll have the debate of whether it’s sentient or not and if it’s humane to kill it like a pet or a criminal. It’s more akin to using rainbow tables to help crack passwords and claiming your software is super powerful when in reality it’s nothing without the tables. (Very very rudimentary example that’s not supposed to be taken at face value).

    It’s dangerous because talking about AI like it’s a reasoning/thinking thing is just not true, and we’re already seeing the big AI overlords try to justify how they created it with copyrighted material, which means the arguments over copyrighted material are being made and we’ll soon see those companies claim that it’s no different than a child looking up something on Google. It’s irresponsible because it screws over creative people and copyright holders that genuinely made a product or piece of art or book or something in their own free time and now it’s been ripped away to be used to create something else that will eventually push those copyright holders out.

    The AI market is moving faster than the world is capable of keeping up with it, and that is a dangerous precedent to set for the future of this market. And for the record I don’t think we’re dealing with early generations of skynet or anything like that, we’re dealing with tools that have the capability to create economical collapse on a scale we’ve never seen, and if we don’t lay the ground rules now, then we will be in trouble.

    Edit: A great example of this is https://v0.dev/chat it has the potential to put front end developers out of work and jobless. It’s simple now but give it time and it has the potential to create a frontend that rivals the best UX designs if the prompt is right.

  • I tried bazzite, unfortunately I had some odd quirks that I can only attribute to an immutable OS. Things like window and UI scaling wasn’t consistent. My mouse cursor would blow up to twice the size when hovering over one window then shrink back down on another. I can only guess this is because the base filesystem is only readable and it can’t write any values for scaling on certain themes/window decorations. While not a huge deal, it comes off as sloppy and inconsistent. It’s not a great user experience and first impressions are everything. It’s easy to make a first impression, it’s damn near impossible to make a second one, and my first impression of an immutable OS has been soured. I installed mint 22 and it’s been a completely different experience, from window decorations, to time shift backups, system updates, Bluetooth, cinnamon theming, it just works out of the box with little to no setup.

  • Because no one wants to learn something new like postgres, vendors haven’t adopted other databases platforms other than SQL, and licensing is absolutely stupid expensive for SQL, so most companies just stay on what they currently run. It costs money to hire new employees who know other databases types, and it costs money to train current employees, it’s just an absolutely stupid vicious cycle Microsoft has created. The barrier of entry for new versions of SQL is so high, that it’s just not worth the hassle and the price.

  • That’s fair, just tired of explaining shit to uninformed windows fanboys that don’t understand what they’re talking about.

    Want low latency audio production? There’s a distro with a low latency kernel for that.

    Need a hyper focused gaming distro? Guess what, there’s a distro for that.

    You want something so easy to use that even your tech illiterate grandparents can’t fuck their PC with something as stupid as updates? Well what do you know, there’s a distro for that as well with immutable OS’s that look and feel like Windows.

    Windows fanboys spew bullshit like ease of use and not breaking their shit when they click buttons, but the reality is Linux is no different, it can be as easy or as difficult to use and break as you want.

    The sad bullshit fact is if you use Windows, your PC is Microsoft’s and not yours, if you use Linux your PC is yours to control, and nothing hits that home like bullshit advertisements on your start menus and settings app.

  • I don’t think you understand how much I don’t give a shit that you have an “ultimate gaming PC” just lying there…I gave you options, take em or leave em, but ultimately you’re choosing not to do a damn thing about it and will just keep eating Microsoft Windows ads with every update. At least an Xbox is kind of expected to have ads since it’s somewhat subsidized. As for group dynamics, if your friends won’t try other games with you, sounds like you need better friends.