That makes me think though that the price tag doesn’t belong with this product. The tag clearly says “1 piece” and also says “razor” (singular) while this product is a box of 8 replacement heads.
That makes me think though that the price tag doesn’t belong with this product. The tag clearly says “1 piece” and also says “razor” (singular) while this product is a box of 8 replacement heads.
So 1920 rows x 1080 columns.
Unless I have a massive brain fart right now, no, that’s the exact opposite. The screen is wider than it is tall (unless you rotate by 90°) - hence the term widescreen. There are 1920 columns (width) and 1080 rows (height). This is why the sticker is confusing: it indicates that 1080 pixels is the width.
I have no idea how Puppeteer handles this but Playwright has a little section on Chrome within Docker:
Basically, the Chrome sandbox needs a non-root user as well as a different seccomp profile configuration. No idea if this helps or if you already tried this but it’s worth giving it a shot.
Which I just now (after posting) noticed was already mentioned in a different comment. Sorry!