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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It’s not odd when you take into account that the United States was founded with slavery of an entire race as a feature and a culture constantly fighting against the rights and privileges of non-white-males at every single juncture.

    This nation is founded on stolen land (just like Mexico) then the English and French and Spaniards systematically ran them off their original land and murderized them, then the English brought in more foreigners to subjugate instead.

    All to say, this country is founded on immense inhumane violence and we give everyone guns as a response.

    But ya know, gotta fly that confederate flag and be simultaneously pro federal oversight and anti federal oversight because brain-rotted-American-racist. (This is rhetorical, not a personal slight at you, op)

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt can't be
    28 days ago

    It may be apocryphal, but supposedly one of my brother’s elementary school teachers was going on one day about how it’s impossible to see the moon during daylight and a kid pointed out the window and said “it’s right there.”

    Seems pretty stupid but knowing where I grew up I don’t disbelieve it happened.

  • If someone is so inept that they are incapable of utilizing the internet or otherwise seeking help from a person who they trust, or (shock) reach out to their local authorities to navigate the very simple task of registering to vote then yes, I believe said individual is probably not in a position to cast a meaningful and informed vote. Does that disenfranchise people? Yes. There is a point in which we must draw a line in saying certain individuals are not eligible to participate in this system (which we do all the time; see: minors, felons, etc.)

    That being said, my comment is not physically stopping a moron-incapable-of-using-google from registering to vote—further I provided general information on how to do it. I want everyone who can do so to vote.

  • Just as a PSA, if anyone is concerned about malfeasance in the voter registration process, go to your state of residence’s Secretary of State website or the main State Website. I will not post any links becuase if you can’t navigate the web to find an official website I really don’t think you should be voting—sorry kids, mids and olds.

    Your state’s Secretary of State website will have instructions on how to both register to vote and to actually vote. Your state’s official website will also have the same information if your state doesn’t have that office and registration is controlled by some other entity.

    We (united states citizens) live in a federation and the reality of that is most elections are handled by local powers so there are some ocassional differences in how voting is administrated, key point—go to your locality’s OFFICIAL websites to find how to register to vote.

    It really does matter. There are elections beyond the presidency. Hate your senator? vote, hate your Representative? VOTE. HATE YOUR STATE REPS? FUCKING VOTE? Live in a state where ballot initiatives are a thing??? FUCKING VOTE!!!

    it doesnt cost money. just register and educate yourself on what’s on the ballot and go to the goddamn polls. there are a lot of issues causing problems right now in the US but at least one thing we can do is go to the ballots on election days and vote based on our convictions.

  • This is the biggest issue and wool over the eyes of American voters. We only focus on presidential elections even though the President holds very little power to affect change (not saying the president of the United States is not a powerful individual, and of course that presupposes a Supreme Court that determines rulings based on law and not political ideology but that’s beyond my point).

    You know who actually holds literal power at the federal level? Our state reps and senators.

    You know who actually holds literal power at the state level? Our local reps and state senators.

    And yet no one pays attention to local politics.

    It IS the fault of the current media landscape and educational system that this is the case.

    But we (US citizens) could maybe take 5 minutes to actually pay attention to local elections instead of just yelling about “Me President!” for 1 week evey 4 years.