Really, it stems from having a bunch of old phones, bought outright, sitting around collecting dust. Some are obviously too old to be relevant, but there’s a couple that had some great features that kept degrading with the next iteration. HTC front speakers, galaxy camera, a headphone jack, and an SD card slot.
I used to take apart things like my dads old portable handheld TV, or my walkman, after I broke it, to see if I could fix it. It was hit or miss.I got the TV speakers to work again, but I had to get a new walkman. I drew the line at microwaves. But I see these phone breakdowns videos, and it looks kinda simple. I realize that there’s a ton of things going on beyond my (admittedly low) skill set, but wondered how far beyond. Like, was it something I could learn in a reasonable way, or was it just too much.
Seems like it’s wayyyy, far, over my head.
I hate to direct you to reddit, but theres a sticky on r/childfree that has state by state resources on doctors who will preform the procedure with minimum questions asked. Many of the places are for women, but they do include ones for men as well. It does say that you have to use a web browser and cannot access the list from the app.