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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The packager always should “explicitly require” what are the dependencies in a Nix package… it’s not like it’s a choice, if there are missing dependencies then that’d be a bug.

    If the package is not declaring its dependencies properly then it might not run properly in NixOS, since there are no “system libraries” in that OS other than the ones that were installed from Nix packages.

    And one of its advantages over AppImages is that instead of bundling everything together causing redundancies and inefficient use of resources, you actually have shared libraries with Nix (not the system ones, but Nix dependencies). If you have multiple AppImages that bundle the same libraries you can end up having the exact same version of the library installed multiple times (or loaded in memory, when running). Appimages do not scale, you would be wasting a lot of resources if you were to make heavy use of them, whereas with Nix you can run an entire OS built with Nix packages.

  • Flatpak still depends on runtimes though, I have a few different runtimes I had to install just because of one or two flatpaks that required them (like for example I have both the gnome and kde flatpak runtimes, despite not running either of those desktop environments)… and they can depend on specific versions of runtimes too! I remember one time flatpak recommended me to uninstall one flatpak program I had because it depended on a deprecated runtime that was no longer supported.

    Also, some flatpaks can depend on another flatpak, like how for Godot they are preparing a “parent” flatpak (I don’t remember the terminology) that godot games can depend on in order to reduce redundancies when having multiple godot games installed.

    Because of those things, you are still likely to require a flatpak remote configured and an internet connection when you install a flatpak. It’s not really a fully self contained thing.

    Appimages are more self contained… but even those might make assumptions on what libraries the system might have, which makes them not as universal as they might seem. That or the file needs to be really big, unnecessarily so. Usually, a combination or compromise between both problems, at the discretion of the dev doing the packaging.

    The advantage with Nix is that it’s more efficient with the users space (because it makes sure you don’t get the exact same version of a library installed twice), while making it impossible to have a dependency conflict regardless of how old or new is what you wanna install (which is something the package manager from your typical distro can’t do).

  • Were the earlier series not focused on shared values to more or less a similar extent too?
    Kirk has usually been given the reputation of being a rule-breaker, often ignoring Starfleet rules when they are in conflict with his values. Even off-camera (in DS9 I think) they attribute him 17 temporal violations, and I think he has been accused of violating the prime directive multiple times.

  • Ferk@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devWhitespace
    8 months ago

    But C syntax clearly hints to int *p being the expected format.

    Otherwise you would only need to do int* p, q to declare two pointers… however doing that only declares p as pointer. You are actually required to type * in front of each variable name intended to hold a pointer in the declaration: int *p, *q;

  • That’s even harder. Specially if we aspire to have a community that protects privacy & anonymity.

    Keep in mind “rich” does not necessarily mean “famous”.
    For all anyone knows, you and me could be part of the wealthy, yet nobody here would know, no online service would deny us service. Being forced to live an anonymous and private life is not really much of a punishment, at least it wouldn’t be for me… if I were part of that wealthy I’d just lay low… I’d get a reasonably humble but comfortable house in a reasonably neighborhood where people mind their own business, dressing modestly and living life without having to “really” work a day of my life, while my companies / assets / investments keep making money so I can go on modest trips and have some nice hobbies that are not necessarily really that expensive anyway. Anyone who figures it out, I set them up. It’d still be worth it to live that life.

  • Boycotting is an expected/intended tool in capitalism. It’s part of the “free market” philosophy, the regulatory “invisible hand”. The reason you can boycott a company is because the economy is based on a capitalist free market.

    If boycotts were actually a good and successful method for the society to regulate the wealthy, then there would be no issue with capitalism. So that’s not how you “end” capitalism, that’s just how you make it work.

    The issue is, precisely, that boycotts do not work (and thus, capitalism does not really work). Particularly when entire industries are controlled by private de-facto monopolies. If they worked you would not need social-democratic laws to force companies into compliance in many ethical aspects.

    What you are advocating is not an alternative to capitalism (like communism or socialism), but a more ethical/educated capitalism that works at controlling the wealthy, just like many proponents of capitalism expected it would.

  • “Capitalism” just means that the industry (or specifically, “means of production”) can be privately owned.

    The whole idea of Lemmy is allowing smaller groups / individuals to own smaller instances, so we don’t depend on big corporations.

    So the way I understand it, it’s more of a big vs small thing, not really a “private” vs “governmental/social” ownership thing.

    Sure, Lemmy gives freedom for people so, even governments, can make their own public instances… but this all still relies on capitalism, since individual instances can still owned by (smaller?) private groups that can compete amongst each other for users, so you basically are competing as if you were just another company in a capitalist system controlled by offer/demand and reliant on what the average consumer goes after.

    This would be the equivalent of asking people to purchase ethically sourced goods and drive the market with their purchase decisions (which is actually what a capitalist system expects) as opposed to actually making laws that forbid companies from selling unethical products. That means we are not ignoring capitalism, but rather participating on it, and just asking consumers to choose ethically when they go buy a product. That’s just an attempt at ethical/educated capitalism, but still capitalism.

  • Ferk@kbin.socialtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devifn't
    8 months ago

    Yes… how is “reducing exclamation marks” a good thing when you do it by adding a ' (not to be confused with , ´,or’` …which are all different characters).

    Does this rely on the assumption that everyone uses a US QWERTY keyboard where ! happens to be slightly more inconvenient than typing '?

  • Personally, while I appreciate when people add a “snippet of explanation”, I do prefer that to be in the comments. Not as the main text of the submission.

    Making it part of the submission can feel like editorializing. If I want to read the artice, I read the article, if I want to read opinions / interpretations of the article, I read the comments.

    Using the “text snippet” for opinions or interpretations can cause bias… and it also might encourage people to repost the same content multiple times just so they can post with a different bias.

    I think the comment section is a more organized and suitable place for that. It also allows people to use their votes to decide whether the opinion/explanation deserves the upvote, separatelly from whether the link itself deserves promotion.

  • I think it’s also safe to presume that in the ultra future tech advanced society of Star Trek, they can remove the bacteria that causes body odor in humans.

    A lot of odor-causing bacteria are actually beneficial for us though. And what causes Vulcans to experience that “odor” might not be coming from bacteria to begin with… for all we know it might be one of the thousand of compounds that leak into the air we exhale directly from our lungs.

    Virtually every gas or volatile liquid is susceptible to cause odor. The only reason we interpret pure water as odorless/tasteless is because water is everywhere so our senses evolved in a way that it doesn’t trigger a response. There are many other compounds we don’t really perceive because we are used to them at the concentrations that exist in our breath.

    If let’s say an alien species is not used to having 78% Nitrogen in their atmosphere, and they happen to have receptors sensible enough, then being in a ship with breathable air similar to Earth might just make them puke in disgust after having a sniff of what we might consider “clean air”.

    I’d argue it’d make more sense for everyone to wear the equivalent of a high tech mask (supressants?) rather than having to re-engineer the biology of the species every time they encounter an alien that might have a different set of compounds they might find unpleasant.

  • The problem comes when the vegan store has items you want but they decided that they will not distribute them to stores that also sell chicken stock. And if that happens with multiple other cases you’ll be forced to visit multiple stores to get your groceries.

    Which wouldn’t be that weird if it wasn’t because all those stores belong to the same “universal general store” chain that was originally designed so you would only need to visit your closest store to access all products.

  • I mean, federating with an instance doesn’t necessarily mean you NEED to have it added to the default feeds.

    It could theoretically be done in such a way that it only shows content from the communities you are subscribed to, and never show content from that instance in general feeds, for example.

    Or it could even be done in such a way that instance blocking is enabled by default for every user, and each user has to opt in to see content from other instances outside of maybe a selected curated few that might be allowed by default.

  • If making your own instance were something common for normal users, then I expect the federation would have to face thousands of single-user instances made by random people without ever being sure which ones are safe and which ones are just bots/spam/illegal-stuff.

    A lot of instances would (understandably) want to disconnect from the fediverse if that were a common thing… or at the very least they would use allowlists for federation instead of blocklists (in fact, some already do). So it would just result in more fragmentation, not less.

    This means the process for your instance to initiate federation with all other ones would likely become more complex/inefficient than directly creating one separate user account in each of the instances you want to visit (if it isn’t already).

    I feel the issue is in the design of how the fediverse places so much responsibility in each individual instance… instances shouldn’t be required to mirror third party content just so people can access it. It should be possible for people to simply connect to third party websites if they want to (with their home instance only acting as a sort of identity provider, like OpenID), without the home instance having to proxy/host that content if they don’t approve of it.