Based Jaded & Stoned
You should listen to the English translations of the speeches. History doesn’t repeat but it sure as fuck rhymes.
If you’re not aware of the reference, the famous book burnings during the rise of the Nazi party, were them burning the books from the Berlin sexual institution…
The book burning has begun
It’s hilarious you think they will be replacing them
East Asia has always been our Ally, we have always been at war with Eurasia. Report yourself to the min truth for unthought processing.
Any armed organized group is a militia
That’s why State militia is a term that refers to a militia organized and controlled by a state
Hi, I’m actually the guy you’re trying to respond to but yes that is exactly what I was trying to State
Maria database is free and open source. It uses MySQL format.
Your argument is a logical fallacy
military organization of citizens with limited military training, which is available for emergency service, usually for local defense. In many countries the militia is of ancient origin; Macedonia under Philip II (d. 336 bc), for example, had a militia of clansmen in border regions who could be called to arms to repel invaders. Among the Anglo-Saxon peoples of early medieval Europe, the militia was institutionalized in the fyrd, in which every able-bodied free male was required to give military service. Similar arrangements evolved in other countries. In general, however, the emergence in the Middle Ages of a quasi-professional military aristocracy, which performed military service in return for the right to control land and servile labour, tended to cause the militia to decay, particularly as political power became increasingly centralized and life became more secure. The institution persisted nevertheless and, with the rise of national monarchies, served in some measure to provide a manpower pool for the expanding standing armies.
Militias are armed citizens…
All I have to say to you is you’ve clearly never had to unfuck a WordPress that has been fucked by WP engine. They purposely take and obfuscate the open source WordPress environment and make it so their customers are dependent and slaved to only work with them. They can go fuck themselves. Automatic is definitely not being cool about it but they are in the right.
Just my 2 cents but it’s better to be seen as an immigrant in the wide world than to be seen as a threat to the kingdom in SA. Most middle eastern immigrants in the US do very well as long as they respect the social fabric they integrate into.
Hawks and messenger pigeons in 2025. War. War never changes. The sword just gets sharper.
Driving a car is dangerous. Do you plan to revoke your license. I’m not trying to be a dick, but you decided to take your family and leave this country for your own safety and now you are telling people because of potential danger that they should not protect themselves from actual threats to their lives.
Because nobody is printing those and using those that understands or knows anything or has done a any research whatsoever into the topic. I am trying to show you the distinction between 3D printed firearms and firearms that have been modified but still are assembled from factory parts. You are very incorrectly stating that a piece of shit plastic 100% polymer non-metal build and a factory assembled upper mounted on a 3D printed lower are the same thing. They are not.
Are you actually this incapable of understanding what I’m saying? The gun wasn’t 3D printed. Let’s try this another way. Imagine I take a Honda Accord from the Honda factory. Imagine I strip off all of the paneling and replace it with custom paneling that I made and or assembled or got from a panel kit. Is my Honda now 3D printed?. I didn’t replace the wheels. I didn’t replace the drivetrain. I didn’t replace the engine, it has the same naked frame. It rolled off the factory floor with.
No, I’m telling you that the tool that was made with precision was inserted into a plastic handguard that was 3D printed. The upper assembly and pressure bearing parts of the firearm were assembled in a factory
Try reading what I wrote again or you know maybe reading your own article first
Well you may have just moved to Britain but with your knowledge of handguns I would assume you were born there. Guns are dangerous tools. Yes. The kid didn’t shoot himself in the leg because of the 3D printed parts. He shot himself in the leg because he fumbled a partially assembled and cocked handgun that for some inexplicably stupid reason he had decided to load with a single round.
Due to a large amount of very stupid laws by a couple of different three-letter agencies, a handgun is actually defined as the frame that holds all the pressure bearing parts and not the pressure bearing parts themselves.
So he printed the hand grip basically and then put the upper assembly of a standard normal factory assembled upper of a firearm inside of that.
East Asia is our greatest and longest Ally. We have always been at war with Eurasia. Remove such unthought from your head or report to the mintruth for processing.