• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Yeah. So for a watch party, people are going to be hitting the finger food, right? Grazing is how people eat at these kinds of things.

    Keep in mind recommended serving size would be 4-6 ounces- about one drumstick; but again, it’s kinda hard to graze a drumstick. That’s full on entree material. Two, if they’re small (these look large.)

    I’d suggest something like buffalo wings, set out in a crock pot or slow cooker, so they’re ready to be grazed on their terms. (If you do go for drumsticks, well, they’re gonna have to be kept warm. If you don’t have something like a giant slow cooker, or a catering warming pan, that means the oven, which means they’re liable to be over looked.)

  • that didn’t take long.

    I mean, seriously. You’re aware that after a 49er’s game that turned violent, Eagles added jail cells - oh I’m sorry, the proper term is “holding cell”- to deal with all that… “passion”. and… no. I don’t mean a holding room that locks. they had full on jail cells. and before that, Veteran’s Field didn’t just have jail cell- it had a full on court room.

    There’s also those incidents with the D-cell batteries. Plural. Totally normal fan-rivalry things to do. totally.

    then there’s that time that eagle’s fans beat up Cheif Zee (redskin’s super fan.)- broken legs, ribs, and other injuries.

    And what the fuck did Millie ever do to get harassed by crowds of phillie fans? she was a 90+ year old grandmother for crying out loud. the only thing she did to get the attention was get recognized for being an old vikings fan. Even then you had to drag out your geriatric fan and that wasn’t enough?

    sure. Not all eagle’s fans are total assholes. most fans “aren’t that bad”. But you do realize, when other teams say the same thing, they’re talking about people that are singing a little too loud, or shouting obnoxious jingles or maybe they just got a little drunk. (I’m not kidding about packer’s fans drinking all the beer.)

  • I dunno.

    But I work in contract security. When the Super Bowl came to Minneapolis, it was one of the worst nights of My working-life.

    I was walking through a bar to touch bases with their management (the bar was tenants of my client,) and a philly fan broke a bottle off and tried to shank me. That was the night before. All I did to provoke it? Walk behind him.

    Another incident the night before, 3 guys were kicking the shit out of an oldish guy while two howling wives egged them on.

    They were late twenties early thirties, their victim was a late-50’s black guy.

    Their only “reason”? He was wearing a Vikings cap.

    Over all, the only night that we had more arrests happen was when the city decided to set up a soft checkpoint for a trump rally with a day’s notice to my client next door.

    When ever I start listing incidents other Philly fans are quick to say “no we’re just passionate!”

    Green Bay is passionate. They dress up in their cosplay and drink all the beer then go home. (Though, probably some of the best tailgating you’ve ever seen…) they don’t beat the shit out of people.

  • Ridiculous. A cluster munition covers a whole area with shrapnel indiscriminately. Tiny bombs carried by targets are a whole different category both as a weapon and effects wise.

    The ordinance in a cluster munition is called a bomblet. It’s called a bomblet because it’s a tiny bomb

    And like a cluster munition, the pager has caused indiscriminate shrapnel across an entire city.

    Hamas has indiscriminately slaughtered civilians on October 7th and fires unguided rockets at inhabited areas. Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel constantly and indiscriminately, killing Druze children playing outside.

    The whole reason Israel did this attack is because Hezbollah just doesn’t want to stop attacking Israeli civilians.

    the whole reason hamas did the attack was because of apartheid conditions in Gaza.

    You attack them, they attack you, you attack them, round and round it goes until there’s nobody left to attack.

    And yes. Israeli paramilitaries started the current cycle of violence with the Nakba. I’m tired of the bullshit. Aren’t you?

    There’s no world war 3. Israel gets hated on and condemned every time they defend themselves against terrorists attacking their cities.

    Didn’t say there was . I said “if”, with the hypothetical that roles were reversed.

    Are you really saying that’s not true?

    You act like there moral superiority. There is none. Your response to a terrorist attack is to genocide a people.

    Which, to be perfectly blunt, is the reason people are being critical of (not hating in my case,) the Israeli government. Because they’re doing a genocide.

    And the reason I’m critical of you? You’re defending genocide.

  • Even if you take the assumption for granted, no. They did not know any such thing. At all.

    First off, lets talk about the assumption- that the pager was issued to, and in the possession off, a hezbollah member.

    That’s it. That’s as far as they “knew”, and it’s really just an assumption. For all mossad knew, a few got passed around to friends or family. You know. “For their safety”, or something.

    Now onto how there was no knowledge of where those IEDs were physically located. Pagers are passive receivers. The pager network sends a signal, then pagers receive it and display a number or whatever.

    They don’t always do two-way communication, and given their reason for buying them… I doubt these are. Which means the pagers are entirely passive and probably would work over most the globe. As long as the pager (which is the receiver) is in range of its broadcast tower network (which probably includes satellites,) then they work.

    There’s a reason they’re used by emergency services, and it’s that drop-dead-simplicity and reliability.

    So no. Mossad or whoever did not know where rhe fucking bombs were. All they knew was that they were likely to be physically near targets of interest.

    But they had know way of knowing who had which pager (probably.) or where that pager was, or who else was around that pager.

    In short this is as indiscriminate as Russia’s use of cluster munitions on cities. It’s absolutely terrorism.

    We’d be starting WW 3 if hezbollah or hamas did this to Israel. So why are we tolerating this from Israel?

  • …One had law enforcement only trespassing, one had owner/manager only trespassing (as in, a random employee can’t do it, only the owner of the property or the person who is on the lease for the land/building), and the last was so loose a patron of a business telling someone to get lost was almost enough for the person trespassing to be arrested.

    honestly, in my experience, this sounds more like policies of the property owners (or employer) than regulations or laws.

    Especially since while it’s not specifically codified in federal law, SCOTUS has routinely accepted that the right to exclude is one of the core property rights inherent in property ownership- and consistently ruled in favor of property owners exercising control over their property. (Indeed, there have been instances where, when it was deemed that a property owner should have taken action to stop a trespasser, and that trespasser then harms some one; that they had a duty of care and were negligent. For example, any of the times that a convicted pedophile got hired by a daycare facility,)

    there are exceptions that are frequently codified in state law, for example, a hunter retrieving wounded game, or kids retrieving a Frisbee. or a dog owner cleaning up after their dog (and, indeed, the dog taking the shit in the first place,).

    Further more, all “agent of whatever” really means is that they are someone who is duly authorized to act on another’s behalf. For example, if you have power of attorney over a grandparent, you are their agent, acting on their behalf; or someone employed by the federal government, to do… stuff… they’re agents of the government. (Fun fact, this is why FBI and other federal law enforcement officers are ‘Special Agents’.). Security guards are agents of the property owners, and almost universally allowed to trespass individuals.

  • A trespasser is trespassed from a property by law enforcement at the request of the property owner. This is called a criminal trespass.
    In most places, a property owner must ask law enforcement to trespass the person off of the property before someone is considered legally or criminally trespassing. In most places a warning, either verbal or by sign or other means, must be given before a person can be criminally trespassed, but that is not automatic as the property owner may choose to not enforce it.

    not true. I work in contract security training guards. have for years.

    Trespassing generally only becomes illegal/criminal when the trespasser becomes aware that they are in fact trespassing. For examples, somebody wandering onto private property from public property, they could become aware of the fact. For example, if you have to jump a fence to get to where you were, or you passed a ‘no trespassing’ sign, or if someone is telling you you’re trespassing; or, for example, you’re there to vandalize stuff, or maybe shoplift.

    The act of “trespassing” somebody is simply informing someone that they’re presently trespassing. You don’t have to be a cop to trespass someone; property owners have the right (and, generally, the obligation,) to control whose accessing their property and for what purposes. you can be asked to leave by a property owner or the agents thereof at any time, and that act of being asked is called “trespassing”.

    As for when it can be enforced… that’s when the person is aware of their presence being unwelcome. Doesn’t matter if the property owner is there or not, exactly. no warnings have to be given, for example, if it’s reasonable that someone shouldn’t be there. for example, you intrude into a nuclear facility, we’re cuffing you up and handing you off, no warnings given. Similarly, if a group is throwing a kegger in a private parking lot, it’s generally unsafe to go out and warn the group.