• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2021

  • It does also have third party repos such as sbopkg. This does a bunch of the movement for you when installing packages though you still need to manually install dependencies, BUT If you also add sboui which is a front end package resolution for dependencies then the process is much faster. I like the stability of Slackware, and also because its helps me get better for when I try the BSD since its very much like them as well.

  • Its still going strong.

    Though there are a lot more tools.

    Still sysinit system and as reliable as ever on its stability.

    New things are stuff such as -sbopkg(can deploy slackbuilds a lot faster as it will sync, custom the slackbuilds scripts if you want, build and install applications[though you still have to install depenencies in there proper order])

    • Sboui gui style package management tool that will work with sbopkg and take care of the dependecy resolution for the applications you want to install(includes previous mentioned details of sbopkg)

    I can say even on me when i was new to using it, slackware is forgiving if you make mistakes.

    Alien bob still making modern packages to use as an alternative package resource if you want stuff like vlc, libreoffice and such that do not come with the default package resource.

  • Sorry for late reply

    For about 4 hours i beleive. Though it used to be longer as i have had it for over a year and the battery not like it used to be.

    Kde is the default desktop eviornment.

    It helps that its a non systemd init system so it doesnt pull as much resources on the backend since systemwide is controlled via scripts.

    If i were to run a lighter one such as xfce, qtile or dwm it would run longer(varies on configuration though)

  • Sounds good,

    I have a pinephone pro, while you can use use it touch. I recommend either the keyboard case(since it has a battery) or having a portable bluetooth keyboard of some sort. If configurartion is needed and there are issues with the onscreen keyboard(happens when i use certain apps like bitwarden) the keyboard helps ease that issue.

    I still use stock manjaro plasma but if i jump i might go to sway/plasma arch/sway postmarket still checking put options though. I know i need waydroid to work so ill see what the doc support is on both.

  • Regarding best phone for post market os


    Pinephone (not pro) seems to have the most support its on the main line.

    Other than that under “community” & “phone” you would decide which phone in that list meets what you need and get peoples opinion on those specific phone with usage.

    • your selection on which direction to take via pinephone or android based on your needs and tollerances.

    If you dont mind tinkering go pinephone however if you need it to work for various uses based on what you/friends/family use and compromises need to be done then go android.

    Contribution can be bug reports, donations, assistance to other users ect. Anything is possible if you want.

    I do where i can and its my choice; same with you, your choices are your own.

  • pinephone pro - is defintely getting better as the software improves. The battery life is definitely something that holds it back i bought a keyboard battery case and it improved it however the edges of the case that connects to the phone have cracked over time and ive super glued it twice (near headphone port & opposite side near type c port.) When they crack it can cause a misalignment on the pins and not charge/keyboard doesnt function so i have to press back into the case(hence the glue to fix that). It will eventually get better for me to completely jump over.

    Pixel phones degoogled - works great especially calyx or graphene os. I have always bought used but if i want change to happen i need to stop funding google indirectly through the used market with buying their phones. I am speaking for myself here.

    Fairphone , Teracube, Murena - i eventually want to just buy from these moving forward. They hit 80% + of the checkboxes i need and improvements come quicker when this companys market improves especially when their direction aligns with what i want in a phone.

    Tl;dr - i am letting my money do the talking on where i want phone improvement to occur.