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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Yeah i see how good that works out… Also a little Tipp for the future try to think in the big picture. This hughe massiv messsey interconnected incomprehansible picture (our monkey brains really don’t like this) as I said economy effects science it effects the narrative it effects the ecology, it effects the social spheres, it effects the culture. And every aspect of society which are more than I mentioned dose the same and effects every other aspect. Nothing is Isolated it all exsist together. Even an absence of a part effects the whole.

  • A bit short but yes (tbh when I ask this question I mostly get total bs answers) I want to get into an institute because I don’t want to throw my work into their throat. Also you might be right there (I am not sure who funds more state or Capitalist ) but also they funded the biggest climate change denial campaigns as well as sabotage of science in addition A you did not invalidated the argument that inaccessibility in science is a big problem here is the studie published in nature https://www.nature.com/articles/356739a0 And once again we live in the information age knowledge should be as easy to access than never bevor but through comodification like that you have to pay 100 € for one studies, from which the people who wrote it get nothing and sometimes have to pay money to get the studie published. It really does not seem fair and inhibit. And this is just one thing that is going wrong in science under capitalism. There is a reason more and more scientists resort to sci-hub to get the studies, espacally when the scientists are independent. And once again the employees do the work not the employer. That’s why I argue for bottom up common ownership as well as a democratizon of our industry (tbh I can’t tell you so much about the other fields there you should resort to my comarads, since one person can not know everything and I still learn new stuff since society is fucking complex)
    But still I tstart.that there would be less ecological damages with a such a system (and don’t come with Soviet was dirty because fuck this authoritarian state-capitalist pseudo-communist state) (oh if you ask you self why I hate the SU while many others so called communists defend it I am not a Marxists-Leninist But an green Anarcho-communist. ) But to ce back to the first comment worker protection is a good start but just a start.

    To end this discussion how about a bet. If capitalism survives and dose not destroy or harm our ecosphere in a critical way you get cookie. If it destroies or harm our ecosphere in a critical way I get a cookie (good luck making one under such conditions). And if capitalism dies and we end up in a Solarpunk future with a nice gift and library economy we both get as many cookies as we want. Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

  • What you describe is primitivism but I more advocate for a Solarpunk future. So technology which is in harmony with nature passive: cooling, green energy, perma culture. But your comment perfectly showed what I mean technology is not or rather should not be something separate and antagonistic towards nature. Could you please define what capitalism is because I think we work with two different definitions. As for scientific advancement this dose not come from capitalism many scientist and engineers just want to help people that’s how we devolped many vaccines and medication. In addition more and more studies show that scientist are more and more hindered by capitalism through the inaccessiblilty of papers which is kind of paradox since we live in the information age. Also the highe pressure and the unpaid working hours causes that many quit. And that’s something I know since it will be my future field of employment.

  • It was a studie on teenagers where this result is from. I mean the earth will still rotate. But our ecosphere takes havey damage under our current system and I probably don’t have to explain why this is a big problems. Keep on mind that this world we live in is extremely interconceted not only on the social level (like the interconnections between capitalism, stastism, colonialism, Racism, Sexism) but also on the social-ecological level. The short summary of the reason is: alienation of humans from nature, the fact that infinite growth which is required by capitalism is not possible on a finite planet, the focus on power and profit instead of Humans and nature and comodification of the natural world. Social ecology is actually a very own school of thought. I recommend to check out the Lemmy communities on SLRPNK.net and if you want deeper beginners explanation of the topic I recommend andrewisms video on the topic PS: an increasing number in climate scientists and activists (including the IPCC) recognize that we need systemic changes to combat climate change

  • Why should there be no 3. Way? A way where we advocate for democracy and beyond inside the economic sector. And create project for project a better world on grass root-level. While we weaken the capitalist system and limit it destructive capabilities. I know more people can imagen the end end of the world than a end of capitalism. Which is kind of sad thinking about it’s exploitive and destructive nature. But I always say: you can’t let the world end without a fight. So I just pic the topics I am interested in and help there (handing out pamphlets, talking about Solarpunk, helping in youth councils and going on demos for human rights and for our ecosphere). I am always happy when people decide to help but we can’t force anybody to do so because this would be against what we stand for.

  • Since i lived in a better system (in a very very small scale and for a short amount of time but it’s most likely scalable) I can disagree. It’s a start for sure and 100% better than raw Capitalism but there is still much space for improvement. Design the industry more in decentralized manner, design it more like liltle democracy than a absolute system. And give everybody their fair share based on the work done and and what the person needs (that’s obviously should be decided by the council based consensus democracy (if possible sometimes you just need majoritan democracy) . Also to spice things up we can open some more libraries of things and improve other services for the public like the train. And if we want to go really U/evtopian (which I want to) we could also replace some if not all markets with dispenseries. Cause markets are not always the best way to distribute goods.

  • Lordbaum@mander.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlExplaining class society
    1 year ago

    System ≠ model For example there are difrent ecosystems (dessert, jungle, River, lakes) and there are different models to describe an Ecosystem (food-networks, statistical models, energy pyramids) And this distinction exsist in every filed of since from physics over Biology to social studies

  • I mean even Lenin admitted that the Soviet Union was just state capitalism so the point still counts. Also it is still baffling to me that we could feed 10 billion people and still have whole populations that are starving. And obviously a system that is just there to be evil will most likely not exsist. But have it as by product often occurred in systems which only focused on (the growth of) power (money is just another form of power). This includes the former west and the former east bloc.

  • Lordbaum@mander.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlLiberals and communism
    1 year ago

    3 examoles i could give for socialism two of them where crushed by the Soviet Union. Revolutionary Spain and the free territory of Ukraine. One which works since 10 years (while trying not to get crushed by Turkey and IS) and there are some more such free territories which therefore also democratized thier economics. Also fuck tankies btw

  • Sorry for the late response but what always puzzles me how do you enforce freedom I mean these are more or less contradicting things. The only way I can imagen people getting liberated is by first liberating themselves and then cooperate with like minded individuals to create a grass roots organization that’s destroys and replace the old system. And not just replacing it’s leadership. I mean we tried it, but it ended up being spoiled like the former leaders/system1. ( if more or less worse is debatable) it even crushed like minded individuals in the process. What I want to say people can only be free if they want to be free and if you give them a chance to develop them freely and that the means mark the ends. I myself don’t know the complete plan and picture how a revolution will happen and how it will look at the end, but I have some ideas in my Head which I will work (for example promoting an gift and library economy as well as helping some orgs) to help my comrades and support the revolution. I just ask you to not make the same mistakes that our ancestors did, comrade.