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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What the hell are you talking about good and evil for?

    Have I so far defended Israel’s response? No, and I don’t actually agree with their response either. The proper approach wasn’t to escalate and as they are in the position of power they have that choice. That still doesn’t mean I’ll go in threads defending actions that have lead to baby murdering, something so vile and heartless that only a blind ideologue could ever defend it or use it as a “but they were worse” argument.

    Blind ideologues might hate it, but sometimes the two sides are shit, and in the case of IDF and Hamas, they both are, and Palestinians are in between. That still doesn’t give anyone the right to kill children.

  • “well we’re really just evening the dead baby numbers” with the implication that that even remotely makes this justifiable.

    No, I’ll never support anyone who murders babies, be it whatever side or reason. You coming in here and defending baby murdering screams “both sideing” baby murdering as something that’s even remotely defendable. It isn’t, do some self reflection, same to whoever felt the need to upvote such messed up worldview.

    For years I’ve been arguing for the plight of Palestinians, but to hear such disgusting arguments from someone who holds the same goal (freedom of oppression for Palestinians) and spouting that without shame is on par with those who deny the apartheid policies of Israel (I’d argue it’s worse, but at this point it’s the shit Olympics of opinion, and they’re all on the podium).

  • we should be shooting: the millionaires who hire the poachers

    Damn, I was looking forward to eating them. :(

    But you’re entirely right. Obviously the poachers do the hunting, but there are people rich enough out there that put a price on rhinos to begin with, they are the real problem. They wouldn’t be hunted if there was no incentive.