MasterOBee Master/King

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Maybe work on your reading comprehension and come back to me whenever you don’t find me advocating for cOmMuNisM.

    Marxism put into a political system has always been a form of communism. If you aren’t arguing for that, why are you responding to a post and a comment about communism?

    I was merely mocking your naive worship of a broken and failed system.

    Because I acknowledge that capitalism isn’t perfect, but it’s by far the best political system that’s taken more out of poverty than any other economic system doesn’t mean I have naive worship. Also, it’s not a broken and failed system. You want to see a broken and failed system? See every single communist country that’s ever existed.

    Maybe one day you will wake you up when they automate your very useful 1-2 hours a day position.

    That won’t make me communist. And my field is one of the few that are still hiring at a good pace, most tech companies are in a stand still and laying people off. My field has been steady for the last 100 years at least.

    Regardless, I’m selling my work for a fair rate, and that’s what capitalism is. If you are willingly working somewhere at an agreed upon price, thank capitalism.

  • I work hard because I want to retire in two years, not twenty.

    Sweet, and because of capitalism you can do that.

    I want to retire because I started out under the boot of surpressed wages because of the corruption incarnate in capitalism.

    You mean because when you started, you couldn’t provide more than a small amount of value to your employer? It’s not anyone elses fault that nobody wanted to pay you more than you earned.

    Someone like you with a cushy job (that sounds pretty ripe for being automated) has zero clue of the hardships inflicted on everyday working people. Maybe soon you will find out.

    Ahhhh yes, you know so much about my work history because you’ve only heard about what I’ve done the last two years. I went to 5 years of school, earned 2 degrees, the hardest certification in the united states that took 18 months of studying, while working full time.

    I worked hard then, so I can have a ‘cushy’ job now. Once again, at the heart of capitalism is that you’re worth what someone will pay you.

    no way forward for the current system

    Are you not the one that said that you ‘started out under the boot’ and now you do very well, and are self-employed? That you work so much harder than me (clearly a point of pride for you)?

    That’s because of capitalism, homie. Under communism, you just work forever for an even lower wage than you earned when you were ‘under the boot,’ and if you wanted to earn more - that’s the thing! you couldn’t! you either get jailed or killed. Communism is fun!

    Ya know, there are a few communist countries that you should try and go to work for, if you prefer that!

  • Do you think the people who built these platforms are teens?

    I don’t know who created this platform, but I doubt they’re teens. The vast majority of users are young.

    Marxist through and through.

    Please educate yourself then. Marxism has only resulted in death and destruction. It has put countries back hundreds of years and have killed hundreds of millions of people.

    Just because workers unions of the past were overturned by tyrants and capitalists alike

    I’m pro union, and capitalist. Capitalism isn’t anti-union. Once again, please educate yourself. Advocating for marxism is 100x worse than advocating for nazism.

    The system in which I am forced to participate in is fundamentally flawed.

    Please move to a communist country and see what you’re forced to do.

    The only reason you’re an engineer is because you were allowed that choice. Under communism you would likely have been killed simply for being college educated.

  • bootlicker

    Boot licker because…I think communism is bad?

    Or because I think the youth obsessed with social media and gender identity will have a rude awakening when they actually have to get jobs?

    Btw, I’m 37 and I still haven’t become a lifeless drone who bitches about young ppl.

    Btw I’m 29 and I still haven’t become a lifeless drone who bitches about young ppl. I bitch about idiots who think communism is good and gender identity is the most important thing in the world.

    And before your next predictable retort; I’m successfully self employed and I work harder than you - I guarantee it.

    And I don’t care. I’m glad you’re successful. I feel sorry for you that you work harder than I do.

    I’m decently successful, working for a small company, and I work maybe 3-4 hours a day. I don’t want to work, I want to live life. I’m living a great and happy life every day, that’s what I strive for, I don’t strive to work as hard as I can.

    Doesn’t mean I can’t advocate for a better life for the next generation because I had to work hard

    Are you talking about communism?

    If you are self employed, it’s because of anti-communism policies, and you have capitalism to thank.

    You’re welcome - from Capitalism.

  • If your neighbour, having been born in an extremelly wealthy family, hired 100 hunters and hunted all deers in a 100 mile radius and offered to sell you venison, and you subsequently went hunting, got 0 and had to buy the venison from him, that would absolutelly be his fault.

    His fault of what? Hunting more? I don’t own the deer, nor the land the deer are on. In fact, it’d probably work better for me, he doesn’t have use for all the deer, and I can buy it pretty cheap from him without getting my hands dirty. Isn’t that what you do? All your stuff, do you make it? Or buy it from someone who provides it?

    As it so happens my version of the metaphor is very much how it works nowadays at that level of wealth compared to the normal individual.

    Not really. You didn’t explain why it’s my neighbors responsibility to give me food.

    It’s funny that in your mind they work just like you, even down to doing it hands on: that’s not even close to how it happens with the vast majority of them and even the ones who do “work” used their wealth as a force multiplier to make way more happen than you could ever possibly do and thus get way more benefits than you could possible get (normallly make way more money which they can use as an even bigger force muliplier in the next round).

    Yeah. Once you have your needs met and have expendable income you can use that how you see fit. Some use it for luxuries, some use it to make more money.

    I’m not gonna be mad at how someone uses their property. That doesn’t do anybody any good.

    Nobody would have any problem with the rich if their taking wasn’t so vast that it stops everybody else from getting even a little bit.

    Yes, you and many other young left wing folks would. It stems from jealousy, not necessity. The world is a much much much better place due to capitalism, which has brought insane amounts of people out of poverty, into positions they don’t have to worry about starving everyday.

    You’re just mad because your wealth hasn’t increased as much as theirs. Your life is easier than 90% of people throughout world history, your on your little Mac or Iphone, in your air conditioned home because it’s a little too hot this july, drinking your starbucks coffee, stewing in hatred about how rich people are awful, but anybody in human history will look at your life of luxury and be appalled how someone with so much comfort and wealth is complaining.

  • Where? I live in washington, I go on reddit/lemmy now for my social media.

    The people I interact with that have extreme views are y’all calling 30% of US voters literal nazi’s.

    Do you truly think we have some 30 million + people that are nazi’s, share nazi ideals and nazi culture?

    I can’t affect how the very small minority of republicans that are alt right, or actually are nazi’s, behave. I can try to communicate with the people calling everyone that I interact with that most of us are disgusted by the extreme minority on the far right, too.