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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024

  • The root cause isn’t minimum wage. While that can be important it does affect a lot of small business. With that said the root cause is corporations using profits to line their pockets instead of helping the economy by paying their employees.

    We need to stop skirting around the issue that is corporate America. we need to tax the fuck out of corporate profits BEFORE they hide it all in investments or stock buybacks.

  • Taxes are not the same as fines. I swear some some democrats have such a hard on for “eat the rich” you will give up your own rights to fuck with some one else.

    You can’t target one group of people and expect no repercussions. Here is a relevant quote:

    “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” —Martin Niemöller

    It’s easy to point at another group of people and say they are the problem. Why don’t you look in the mirror and ask yourself what are you doing to fix the problem

  • Again in theory it sounds great. However you can not realistically put something like this on paper because a good lawyer would tear it apart.

    Inal but I can think of several reason and scenarios why this wouldn’t be fair. There are way too many situations that people deal with that affect their income and saying if you make X amount of money you must pay more for no reason other than you are successful is discrimination.

    Many young people don’t understand this but when there are rules in place, they need to apply equally to everyone, even the ultra wealthy. The fact that they aren’t isn’t a problem with the law, it is a problem with our police and public officials. Take it up with them instead of fixing something that isn’t broken. If it isn’t being done correctly now, what makes you think putting higher fines on rich people is gonna fix it?

  • I don’t know your age or your skill at typing but I can tell you look down on people who type with 2 fingers.

    I have never learned to type correctly and have been using 2 fingers my whole life. Yes it’s slower than if I had learned but I have never felt slowed by it not have I ever been told my performance is lacking because of it. I don’t even really look at the keyboard anymore when I type because I memorized where the keys are. Much like you do on a phone I know where all the keys are and I type fast.

    I know you can’t imagine it but hunt and peck would describe a person that had never seen a keyboard. That’s not how many people type.

  • Here’s the meat and potatoes of the article.

    In 2023, they decided that the best way to deal with the problem was to secretly bolt a Starlink terminal to the “O-5 level weatherdeck” of a US warship.

    They called the resulting Wi-Fi network “STINKY”—and when officers on the ship heard rumors and began asking questions, the leader of the scheme brazenly lied about it. Then, when exposed, she went so far as to make up fake Starlink usage reports suggesting that the system had only been accessed while in port, where cybersecurity and espionage concerns were lower.

    Rather unsurprisingly, the story ends badly, with a full-on Navy investigation and court-martial.