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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Depends on your budget and use case. Jellyfin’s “Hardware Selection” documentation has you covered as to general specs, so maybe consider them a shopping list.

    Briefly, a mini PC with the following will work for a “normal server:”

    CPU: Intel Pentium G4560, Intel Core i3-7100 or newer Pentium or better

    RAM: 8GB or more

    Storage: 60GB SSD storage for Jellyfin files and transcoding cache.

    Graphics: Intel HD 6xx (7th gen integrated graphics) or newer, Nvidia GTX 16 / RTX 20 series or newer (excluding GTX 1650). Intel is recommended over Nvidia. AMD and Apple Silicon are not recommended.

    If you don’t need transcoding, or can use low power transcoding, Intel 12th gen or newer Atom CPUs with integrated graphics will serve.

    https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/administration/hardware-selection/#:~:text=Storage%3A 60GB SSD storage for,Apple Silicon are not recommended.

    I’ve run Jellyfin on a R Pi 4 but experienced glitches on playback with a Roku with media that required transcoding. It wasn’t awful, but knowing myself, I knew it’d get old quickly so I went back to MiniDLNA which works a treat when playing back on a mini PC with VLC or Kodi.

  • “Aping” is kind of a pejorative way to describe what The Orville does. If they were “aping” TNG, they’d be imitating it in a very derivative manner. It’s more of an homage to TNG, but in a comedy format with original ideas and character dynamics.

    The Orville’s first season is no worse than TNGs. There were some truly awful first season episodes of TNG. Code of Honor is a good example of an awful episode.

    I don’t think better or worse comparisons are very meaningful. They’re both good shows. TNG has many of my favorite Trek stories and characters. I think it says a lot that it inspired so much of what The Orville does.

  • That doesn’t mean he has to be demoted. He could take a leave of absence from Star Fleet to deal with his PTSD, during which time Mark Piper becomes the Enterprise’s CMO. Later Piper is replaced by McCoy. When M’Benga gets his mind right, he returns, but by this time Kirk’s in command and likes his command staff as they are, but offers M’Benga a post as general physician.

    But if you insist on the demotion idea, he’s already done plenty to warrant it.

    Keeping his daughter in the sickbay transporter buffer was a dubious practice, made suspect by him keeping it secret from command. His actions in Under the Cloak of War could get him a court martial, if they came to light.

  • A/B story format would work. Writers could alternate weeks between the bridge crew and department heads and the “lower decks” crew most likely to pull landing party or other hazardous duty.

    Some weeks, the A story is a high stakes drama involving the bridge crew, perhaps involving some diplomatic negotiation such as we saw in the TOS episode “Journey to Babel.” Meanwhile, the lower decks crew will grapple with lower stakes problems such as a crew member overcoming agoraphobia in order to perform an EVA mission, or fixing some critical ship’s system vital to the A story.

    Other weeks, the A story would focus on lower deckers, giving them a high stakes problem to resolve like a landing party having to evacuate reluctant colonists, with occasional goofy stories like the shift rivalry stories seen on ST: TLD. In those weeks, the bridge crew would enjoy a breather with lower stakes stories about ship’s culture and interpersonal drama.