Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • The whole idea that ‘it should have been introduced at trial’

    It’s almost as if the entire “justice system” is designed to protect a certain class of person while fucking over everyone else. Cue the people so shocked that this “justice system” can easily be abused by people acting in bad faith to enable fascism. People have been brainwashed into believing that the USA isn’t just Diet Fascism. Fascism with a pretty face, fascism with “free speech” so the plebes have a steam valve to release their frustration while also being told that protesting is too disruptive so they need to stick to “free speech zones” miles away from what they’re protesting. Wild that it’s so hard to put together when the original Constitution only allowed land-owning white men to vote.

  • To be fair to the Open Source community, Canonical is a private company, and so it’s not really a shocker that they keep promoting bullshit tied to their own ecosystem. Especially with someone like Mark Shuttleworth involved, he was one of the early rich out of touch space tourists, long before Bezos looked like an idiot coming back from space. The profit motive always infects everything it touches.

  • Reading Ed Zitron’s coverage of the Google antitrust cases is pretty eye opening.

    Mostly because it says basically what you just said: we’ve already reached pretty much peak efficiency in these forms, and since they can’t bleed out more money via “efficiency” they’re now leaning towards “How many customers can I piss off while increasing ad interactions by 1%?” As Zitron points out, they’re literally chasing tiny percentage points of growth through “how many people can we piss off and still grow?” instead of offering anything new and useful. It’s just “we’re entrenched, so why would we try anything risky at all ever?” all the way down.

  • He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

    …and what world are you living in that these women are approaching him at all? He had to get a financial arrangement to buy a marriage with Melania, a person who won’t fucking touch him, and slaps away his hand when he tries to touch her. He had to pay a shitload of money to have a chance with Stormy Daniels, same with Karen McDougal, and he paid even more money to try to cover up that he did.

    Trump is a rapist and the way he treats women is the way of a rapist. You’re fucking deluding yourself if you think lots of attractive women have approached Donald Trump. Nearly every woman he has ever touched he has paid for the pleasure of doing so. Even when he has “grabbed women by the pussy” he pays through lawsuits. He just thinks that’s the cost of being a gross rapist.

    Literally the only woman I can think of off the top of my head who we have proof who has moved on Trump is Laura fucking Loomer who isn’t exactly a beautiful woman, my dude.

    I can’t believe a bogus post arguing that Trump is more of a ladies man than a rapist has so many upvotes.