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Cake day: August 12th, 2024

  • The man will work 12 hour days at some menial job and the wife will spend all day trapped with kids. Probably get divorced at some point because they find out the stress of everything has sucked the romance out of their marriage. The oldest won’t talk to one of the parents and the youngest will think it’s their fault.

    This worked back in the old times because at least 2 or so of those kids would die from disease or war. There was cheapish land to go around to be on a farm or have some business. You probably had at least a three bedroom house and it allowed for some privacy. Also, families might help out each other so there could be some support.

    It’s a load of shit to think this will happen the way you want. If this did happen, it would probably be some commune that is labelled as a capitalistic paradise and where every one should be. In reality, it would be forced communism with extra steps and new branding. Think company towns mixed with Handmaid’s Tale-type woman subjugation. Oh, the freedom is so bright that it burns.

  • Your pastor or preacher told you to do it, not your religion. Pretty sure there’s no explicit mention how to use or not use pronouns or using someone’s preferred name in the bible. Language is just arbitrary, made up bullshit anyways. Let’s reverse it, his name is no longer Jordan Cernek using pronouns he/his/him. Now, it Jerkin Cumneck with the special pronoun of shitstain.

    Jerkin Cumneck is a dumbass. Shitstain shouldn’t bring shitstain’s political views to work. Jerkin should teach at a private christian academy because shitstain can be an obnoxious asshole over there without having shitstain’s fragile little mind broken every time shitstain has to use words that shitstain doesn’t like.