Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Fun fact! This is also how we know when certain asteroids smashed into the earth, because the impact deposits a layer of minerals and elements not found super common in the crust.
Also, sensing equipment that uses or detects radiation as part of its function has to be made of non-radioactive materials in order to not interfere. And since hairless apes started cracking atoms open, all steel is ever so slightly radioactive. They need special preparations to make steel without any isotopes present. This also means pre-1945 steel fetches a higher price in some instances.
That’s the whole point of things like this.
Make it seem super scary, turn public opinion against anything nuclear.
Usually you see articles like this pop up whenever there are renewed discussions for nuclear power plants. Not sure if this is one of those, or just clickbait.
Okay this might sound like conspiracy theory bullshit… But is there any major country preparing to construct nuclear power plants, or is there a looming decision about nuclear power over fossil fuels coming soon?
Because this is the exact kind of news article you see get pushed whenever someone starts making nuclear power seem like the viable option that it is.
Anything that makes it seem like it’s seconds from ending all life on the planet as we know it.
Anything to demonize it.
Anything to turn public perception negative.
some suggest that herders need to start acquiring private land and operating like other businesses
Yes, why don’t these poor farmers who have nowhere else to go simply BUY large plots of land?
Let them eat cake.
Still illegal in many places in the US. I just happen to live in a state that is legal.
Since I’m close to a state border, I only need to drive about 20 minutes to be somewhere it’s illegal again.
And if you live in an “at will” state, they can just fire you even if it’s legal.
Sidenote: “at will” employment is the biggest sack of bullshit that employers convinced people is totally normal.
Im hopeful that the US, EU, and UK legalize it within the next few years. I’m realistic about the chances, I know how the older generations of politicians are, but I still cross my fingers.
6 months probation??? What kind of world do we live in where such drastic punishments are forced upon such good people! Cruel and unusual!
Surely this poor man has suffered enough for trying to overthrow the government to install a fascist dictator!
From my understanding, it’s how many processes it’s running?,
Could be open tabs, but my Firefox always has at least (3) even when I’ve just opened it.
“The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems customers slip through your fingers.”
My wife thinks it’s too bitter.
Of course, I only tried it originally because TNG, but I liked it from the start.
My sweating is genetic, my mother’s side of the family is all the same. I sweat at 300 the same as 160.
Working out for health reasons sucks, but if you’ve got enough reason for it, show that workout who’s boss. Spite is as good a reason as any. Staving off diabetes is even better.
My dude, I totally appreciate that you’re trying to help, and please don’t stop encouraging people to work out because it REALLY DOES WORK for most people, but I spent the better part of a decade doing all kinds of things, from yoga to iron man segments, and not a single thing was enjoyable beyond the small amount of satisfaction of having done something hard and finished it.
I dropped 120lbs, and have stayed relatively the same weight since 2015, even with all the other stuff.
So I’m sure I learned more healthy habits, hence the weight being kept off, and I don’t regret a second of it, I have no desire to try again.
The only working out now is biking for enjoyment with my wife. And also when she feels the desire to go to the gym, I go with her.
Of all the “fancy” teas, Earl Grey is the best. Anyone who disagrees is simply wrong.
In my best bane impression: for you
I never got any “good feelings” from my healthy times. Working out was tiring and a chore. No matter how I worked out, with whom, where, for how long… No “workout buzz”
I got down to a 7 minute mile. Not amazing or difficult by any stretch, but not one getting there did I ever experience “the runner’s high”
Eating well gave me slightly more energy, but not enough to justify the extra cost and time to prepare.
I literally am not capable of “good sleep” without medication, and I can’t even afford the medications anymore.
I’ll just keep eating whatever I want, only exercising when someone asks me to, and trying to get as much sleep as possible before the sun rises until I hit my (definitely early) grave.
Good. Don’t be blinded by the tolerance of intolerance.
Oppose at all points.
The moral high road is filled with corpses.
I had to fiddle with my own on my old laptop, I used one of the plethora of github scripts, but then they changed the api to limit access to (I think) about 100/min, so I just changed the delays to 1000ms so it would only delete 60/min.
Took two weeks, but I still haven’t seen any old content pop back up outside of archives and quotes from other comments in the thread.
I search for a couple random things I remember saying on ddg/bing/Google whenever I think about it, so far nothing.
As I’ve said before about certain countries, you know your platform is doing well when you (essentially) tell people “No, sorry, you can’t leave.”
I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten it since getting the vaccine and boosters, but it was super mild in comparison.
Basically I figured it was a cold until I stopped smelling things again for a couple days, but in under a week I was fine. No test to confirm.
If I’m going to be in close proximity to people I still wear a mask, but my day-to-day allows me to avoid people for the most part.
I haven’t really been keeping up with nuclear news, so that’s actually a surprise to me that so many reactors are in-progress!
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the narrative of some is “nuclear is evil” instead of “China is beating us on energy, BUILD MORE TO BEAT THEM!” But oil lobbies really do have their claws into every facet of government… Quadruple down on fossil fuels and smear campaigns, money machine go brrr.