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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Lead county prosecutor Matt Butler described an outpouring of sympathy as he recused himself and his office from investigations in the shooting, citing social and family ties to Mullins.

    “We all know each other here. … Anyone from Letcher County would tell you that Judge Mullins and I married sisters and that we have children who are first cousins but act like siblings," Butler said in statement from his office. “For that reason, among others, I have already taken steps to recuse myself and my entire office.”

    Not to take away from the topic at hand, but is having the judge and prosecutor being brothers-in-law not considered a conflict of interest???

  • I’ve had many interactions of all types with police, some good, some bad, and some really bad.

    The ones that dealt with my gf’s mental health emergency could have really nailed her on a ton of charges, but they seemed to understand better than the rest of us at first that this was mental and not criminal. I don’t even know if she got any fines. They worked with the judge after seeing she got professional help and she got her record sealed and now she is doing amazingly well, and though very dramatic, it was probably the best thing that ever happened to her in the long run because she got help.

    I do still feel bad for the one civilian she attacked in addition to the cops, because he was absolutely not happy she was essentially set free. It’s not something he deserved to have gone through, and I don’t expect him to feel better because a stranger was dealing with an untreated disorder. But now she is helping people in a medical job instead of being unable to get any job from having a violent assault record.

    A friend’s brother was a cop and killed someone who absolutely should not have been shot. The person shot was also going through some mental health thing, so that is really scary that it could have happened to my girlfriend. No charges were brought against him, and he’s still with the same department over a decade later. I don’t think he’s a bad person. I do think he should have faced punishment, and he panicked under pressure and killed someone, so I definitely don’t feel he should be a cop.

    The only cop that was ever purposefully mean to me ended up getting hit by a drunk driver and hospitalized, and then they caught him with…illegal porn…and I was not unhappy either day those events occurred. I hope he got everything coming to him.

    I briefly had another job that had me in regular contact with about a dozen or so police, and while they all seemed nice enough, the ones with personal vehicles with punisher skulls and all that didn’t thrill me.

    I guess I think there are a lot of systemic problems with American policing, much like this article addresses, on up to police being able to investigate their own crimes, and I think that attracts a disproportionate number of people that will take advantage of that.

    But I wouldn’t blindly hate anyone for being a cop any more than I’d think every priest, scoutmaster, or whatever was a bad person just because of their job. But if you’re in a position of power, and you violate that, I think punishment should be harder and swifter than if it were your standard person. There is just such an increased ability to perpetrate crimes and cover them up, that we need to take away those incentives, not double down on them.

  • I’ve got a healthy skepticism of authority as much as the next Lemming, which is why I went and saw what info was out there about this. It was easy to find, and it seems to show this guy was retaliated against for doing what was morally right, there doesn’t seem to be much denying that. Are we here to role play as wanting social justice, or are we here to support the people doing it? This guy did the literal thing all the top posts here every day say needs to be done: he used his power for good to hold accountable those who were not.

    While he may not be Serpico, he’s someone we should all be commending in this particular case. We have facts that on multiple occasions he did good for the city at risk to his personal life and career. If someone wants to lump him in with the ones that are corrupt and murderous or look the other way at things like this, they’re the asshole. If we don’t support this guy, why would we execpt anyone else to follow his lead?

  • Original article is paywalled so I looked up another, as from the comments here, it seems some more details are needed. I’ll include some snips of a WaPo article here.

    One driver giggled when New York police officer Mathew Bianchi pulled her over for talking on her cellphone, because it was the second time in as many days that he had done so, the officer said.

    Another was going at least twice the 30-mph speed limit while driving on the wrong side of the street and blowing through red lights, he added.

    A third who had been doing 50 mph in a 30-mph zone reacted to Bianchi approaching his Mercedes SUV by fanning out about two dozen “courtesy cards” and telling him to pick one, Bianchi said Wednesday.

    In fact, all three of them had the cards issued by the New York Police Department’s biggest union to officers who then give them to family, friends and anyone else they want to be able to get out of low-level encounters with law enforcement, Bianchi told The Washington Post.

    “There’s no fear of any kind of enforcement if they have the card,” he added.

    Although he let all three of those drivers go, Bianchi eventually got fed up with letting reckless drivers off the hook, some of them repeatedly, and started writing tickets even if they had the cards, he said. That allegedly led to escalating retaliation that in May 2023 resulted in Bianchi suing the city and a police captain after he was pulled off the traffic unit and put on the night shift.

    Bianchi patrolled on Staten Island, where he estimated as many as half the drivers he pulled over had one of the cards, he told The Post. Officers can buy 30 of them a year for $1 each, he said. They’re given not only to friends and family, but also in exchange for perks like meal discounts, he said, adding that he believes that is violating the public’s trust that police treat everyone equally.

    On Nov. 28, 2018, Bianchi gave a driver a ticket even though she presented a card, the suit states. Several members of the Police Benevolent Association allegedly approached him, one telling him that he had to obey the courtesy-card customs or the union wouldn’t protect him.

    Bianchi started objecting to the practice, first to his direct supervisor and then his commanding officer, who told him they couldn’t do much, he said. Then he filed a series of complaints — to the union, NYPD internal affairs and the New York City Department of Investigation — without getting any results, according to the suit.

    All the while, Bianchi kept writing courtesy-card-carrying drivers tickets when he thought it was appropriate and kept getting scolded for it, the suit states.

    Bianchi said he plans to stay at the NYPD for the foreseeable future, although he plans to use his upcoming windfall to reduce his reliance on the paycheck he gets from the city. He said he hopes that his lawsuit — and his payout — encourage other would-be whistleblowers to speak up about corruption, even if there is a cost.

    I’m not sure how much more some of you want out of this guy. He got tired of a crooked system, and at cost to himself, he stood up for the right thing. He’s taken more direct action for change than most people ever will. I can’t speak of all his actions, but if he went through this much for something like traffic tickets, I don’t think he was doing a bunch of bigger corrupt stuff on the side. It would seem we would want more police to follow his example, but instead people here are lumping him in with the rest.

  • Rolling Stone says it’s a MAC-10, but that’s the only reference I could find.

    Johnson is not a middle-of-the-road politician. She owns a MAC-10 submachine gun — and received an A-rating from the NRA. On the campaign trail, she comes across like a pro-choice Ron DeSantis, vowing to give a voice to “really pissed off” Oregonians who are “terrified of the progressive left,” while blasting “wokeness” as “another form of intolerance.”

    I was honestly shocked there isn’t video of her blasting away at something as so many others seem to do any more.

    I was also wondering if it was a Johnson Machine Gun and she was related to the inventor or that it was at least something historical.

  • I believe we are having a miscommunication. You seem to be a bit upset at me, but I feel I’m in agreement with your points.

    I feel public schooling should be a free, all inclusive experience for all kids. The schools should provide all the materials, and they should make sure kids are growing up healthy despite whatever their home situation should be. It is something I support my tax money going to even though I do not have kids and never will.

    I’m supportive of free school meals. I don’t think I’d much like someone who didn’t think kids are entitled to eat.

    My best friends are teachers, my ex is a teacher, and I’ve known a bunch of others through my adult life and know how screwed they get by school funding as well.

    My original question was just wondering out loud why school lunch price does not seem to have risen much with inflation. I didn’t know if they are getting less food, cheaper food, or what, and I thought some of you may have kids in school and could educate someone asking a question so they can form an accurate take on things. I don’t have my own kid to ask, that’s all.

  • I’m not doubtful about that either. I’ve seen a few posts over the years of some pretty sad looking lunches, and I seem to recall something about trying to pass off pizza as a vegetable, so I’m sure there’s been shenanigans and corner cutting.

    At the same time, I hear friends talk about all the extra supplies kids need to bring these days, and my brother was complaining this week his kids needs dedicated gym shoes to leave at school, so they didn’t seem to be detected from passing along costs to parents anywhere else.

  • Carter was before my time, but so I’ve read about him, or at least his personal efforts seem positive. From a quick skim of his wiki, he seems to have had some notable accomplishments, but was hindered greatly by a mountain of unfortunate world events out of his control, and he did not seem to do politics by the good 'ol boy methods of the day, so he did not have much support from either side of the aisle.

    It sounds more like he was unable to be effective, which probably does make one a bad politician, but I feel like since his time in office, more and more people seem to want someone who isn’t there to play party politics and who will just try to get things done because they’re things we should be doing.

    Based off of all his work I can remember in my lifetime, post presidency, I’m inclined to believe he was a decent guy back then also. Especially by today’s standards!

  • Oh, I didn’t mean to imply it went to the food in any way, it seems a straight processing fee because we can thing. That’s why I was surprised the list price of the lunch was only $3.

    My $0.85 in 1986 converts to $2.44 and $1.85 in 1998 converts to $3.57, so if the price of lunch is around $3, that makes it seem like it has been inflation proof, at least for out of pocket cost. I’m sure property tax and state tax has subsidized it, but cost to kids/parents sounds like it’s held flat.

    My cheapest equivalent meal from the work cafeteria is about $10 while only being modestly higher in quality than what i remember school lunch being like,

  • No children here, and the article didn’t give the average price of lunch. Google tells me it’s about $3.

    Not to deviate too much from the article, which seemed to focus on how school lunchrooms have adopted outside payment options that use a Ticketmaster inspired fee model, but the lunch “base price” at least is better than I had expected.

    The “back in my day” price was 85 cents in the mid 80s to I believe $1.85 by the time I graduated high school in the late 90s. For it to have ok not gone up about 50% since sounds better than the price increase on many other things, especially with food prices of the last few years.

    It’s cheaper than the cheapest fast food meal and much less than my cheapest meal at work, while likely being nutritionally somewhere between the 2.

    Any of you with kids have a more accurate real cost of feeding kids or more stories of these odd payment schemes?

  • This. I have an old vintage alarm clock that I put across the room. It’s set to my “if you aren’t up by now you will be late no matter what” time. If my phone alarms don’t get me up, this thing is so loud and unpleasant I will certainly get up.

    Phone ringers are too pleasant sound and easy to snooze. I need to change the tone every few months as I adapt to them all. A harsh metal bell or mechanical buzz on an alarm with no snooze that I cant reach from bed has me wake up at the last phone ringer because it is so ear shattering when that alarm clock goes off, I can snap through all but the worst sleep deficit nights.

    It also pisses off the girlfriend when that annoying thing goes off too, so then I have her mad at me for waking her up if I’m not up to shut it off before it lets loose.