• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Here’s a comment about it I made a few weeks back in the context of why Jellyfin came to be and why I only ever recommend Plex or Jellyfin

    This is going to go back quite a ways, and much of my knowledge is old at this point so some details might be off.

    ~15 years ago Plex as we know it started out as an OSX fork of the 0G Xbox homebrew software XBMC (Later renamed Kodi (For those who don’t know, XBMC was XBox Media Center and would turn the 0g Xbox into the cheapest Home Theater PC you could get at the time, man those were the days lol))

    Plex was only briefly open source and then was quickly closed when they incorporated a year or so after they had something functional. They never made any promises about not charging or being open source or anything, so that’s why I’m generally fine with Plex

    Sometime around 2012ish Emby came along as THE open source alternative to Plex and things were good. MOST of it was supposed to stay open source as was promised. From the beginning they kept build scripts n such closed source, probably should have caught on them, but heh ya know hindsight and all that.

    Then around 2014/5 they took it all closed source, relicensed it and introduced their paywall including locking away already existing features. This is what pissed me and many others off and this is when and why Jellyfin split off promising to be truly fully open source forever. (There was a ton of drama about it at the time, but it looks like Embys Q&A thing a bit back doesn’t even bother to mention it, imagine that lol)

    I don’t have a problem with subscriptions on open source software myself, but the way they went about it…yea. fuck em

  • I try not to be, but attention does need to be called to it, and I see a lot of handwaving away in regards to Mozilla. People should be demanding more answers from them to at least delay enshittification a little to give more time to the alternatives like Ladybird and Servo to develop and refine for widespread usage

    Which thanks for pointing me towards Servo, I missed that one lol, but I still don’t think it has yet achieved feature parity with Gecko or Chromium

  • The big problem is the browser engine at the heart of all browsers, all the FF or Chromium forks very rarely modify the core. When they do, it’s minor stuff. That’s why AFAIK not a single chromium fork is maintaining manifest v2 in defiance of Google.

    If Mozilla goes full tilt enshittification, all the FF forks will suffer a similar fate, they’ll make changes all over, custom interface, cool little features here and there etc; but they’ll never make major changes to the core and that’s assuming they keep the core open source. If they take the core closed source and the forks can no longer get upstream updates for it they’ll wither and die

    A browser engine is kinda like the Linux kernel, it’s large, complex and takes a lot of time and effort to make and keep it usable. I’ve seen estimates that if we needed to start from scratch on the Linux kernel it’d take 2-4 years just to get something decently usable.

    Browser engines are similar, Ladybird for example, is a new open source browser AND engine from scratch that’s been in development for about 2 years, they’re estimating to have something “generally usable” in 2026

  • It was less than 2 days that Yuzu made their announcement. They didn’t carefully consider shit, they had their exit plan in case Nintendo came knocking and it was to run for the hills like cowards wasting the opportunity to set a real precedent and possibly protecting the future of other emulation projects.

    And they were a company, all liability rested with the company, not the people running it, so they could have easily run it into the ground fighting and then went “whoopsy” and declared bankruptcy like so many companies have done

    They were cowards.

  • It wasn’t completely unwinnable, it was legally untested waters and could have gone either way, had they fought and won they would have even set a precedent for future emulation projects.

    This wasn’t some 2 person team project. It was a company with real money that could have fought and laid the foundation for the future safety of emulation. And because they were a company all liability laid with the company with no personal liability risk to the founders. But they didn’t, they settled in less than 2 days, tucked tail and ran with the remaining money.


  • Actually, no. Phones don’t always broadcast their IMSI. Most of the time they broadcast a Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI) and only on a location update (For power conservation). Your cell provider knows your IMSI already and uses a TMSI for updates for the express purpose of privacy and security for these exact scenarios

    It is part of the initial work flow of a Stingray device to attempt to force your device to disconnect from the network and get it to rebroadcast its actual IMSI. But it is not floating around in the air all the time and it certainly isn’t trivial to grab.

    BT is really the only viable option, and even that can vary wildly depending on manufacturer.

  • Yea, no, the most likely route is to pickup a MAC address and associate it with an existing assigned IP address (If that device is connected to the public WiFi, but who even does that these days lol), but modern day Android and iOS randomize MAC addresses on every connection these days by default.

    And then you’d still need to correlate that to the physical world, most likely route would be detecting Bluetooth hostname, but it’s by no means guaranteed that the device hostname in the public WiFi DHCP table matches the BT one (phones can have different names for each). And again is dependent on the person being connected to store WiFi to begin with. Would also be entirely thwarted of a person’s BT is off which is highly likely

    It’s possible, but would be a useless feature to develop and maintain as it would probably actually work out in the real world like maybe 30% of the time.

    Unless they shoved a full stingray unit in it or something (extremely unlikely), this is just a statement from someone parroting a sales brochure that they didn’t entirely understand