Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

  • 27 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • The Usenet post I linked to claims it’s originally from the 1st quarter of 1990, but who knows if that’s accurate or not. I actually can’t find a good source for whether Stumpf is the original author or just the one who posted it to rec.humor.funny.reruns, but it’s usually attributed to him at any rate.

    But yeah, fairly ancient by internet standards. I remember first running into it in the 90’s

  • Well, no. The originally German / Nazi tactic called Lügenpresse aka. “Lying Press” is more about just claiming that the press is lying – like how conservatives latched onto calling everything “fake news” after US Republicans and Trump started doing it after their bullshit was called out with that term.

    The idea with the “firehose of falsehood”, like the page I linked to explains, is to saturate media with so much high volume and continuous bullshit that people start to doubt whether it’s even possible to know anything about objective reality in the first place. The point isn’t to proclaim that the media is lying, but to simply lie so much that people start to think that all media is just lies. The tactic originated in Russia and has been in use since Soviet times and the internet has allowed them to take it to a completely new level.

    And yes, Nazi-controlled media was obviously also full of total fabrications, but that doesn’t mean that these two tactics are the same thing.

  • I think it’s interesting is that so many autocracies keep up the pretense of democratic and rules-based governance; even North Korea has elections. Same with political trials like you see in so many authoritarian regimes, from modern Russia or China to Nazi Germany – it’s like autocrats need to be able to pretend to themselves that the system they run is fair and just, and that they’re not just tyrants who govern with impunity and enforce rules arbitrarily.

    What I don’t get is why? Why bother when it’s immediately obvious to everyone that it’s all a sham? Why not drop the pretense, which everybody knows is just a pretense?

  • the former president’s campaign has disavowed the project and recently went so far as to say its “demise would be greatly welcomed,” while Trump urged his supporters to boo it at a campaign rally.

    You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t believe for a fucking second that this is anything but optics. It’s not like conservatives have to explicitly say they’re following the playbook, but they obviously already are – many Republican lawmakers are members of the conservative organizations that wrote the fucking thing (see eg. this bit of news from TN)