They can be to an extent. My girl raisin does better she is spayed but her husbun/son felix is intersex and still has his cashews so he still sprays(mostly our cat) and leaves territorial droppings around. But bunny droppngs arent gross like cat/dog / human feces. They are just compressed balls of digested hay and veggies and are mostly dry. A little moist when fresh but after a day they are dried out. If i had felix fixed he would likely not spray our cat and leave droppings in places other than the box. But they do tend to leave droppings where they sleep/nap even if they are fixed so you’ll have a nice pile of 100 or so cocoa puffs to pick up when they are done napping. I just am afraid to have felix fixed since he might need invasive surgery if he has any internal female sex organs and he has such an interesting personality i dont want him to loose his spunky attitude after surgery or even worse, its not uncommon for rabbits to have adverse reactions to anesthetics and not make it through surgery. But spaying female rabbits is different since they have a very high 90%+ chance of reproductive organ cancer in old age.
So its a bit more complex than training a cat to use a litterbox. Its probably a little more difficult than even training a cat to use a human toilet with one of those toilet insert training liter boxes you can get.
Fascism lite is still fascism, fighting to support a controlled opposition group is fighting against your own self interests. Ballot box socialism/ ballot box activism is a fools errand. We are behind a point where the system will be repaired through the mechanisms of the system itself. The democratic party actively sabotages democracy to ensure class dictatorship continues at all costs.
I am one of those less stable than yourself. I have no job, i live in an old drafty rv and struggle to care for the pets i love and my partner and i. I think those who are too comfortable or comfortable enough think allowing things to continue and fighting to preserve the lesser of two evils is the best option but allowing things to continue when things are already awful we already have a fascist totalitarian police state where wage slavery is the norm where millennials like myself and the younger generations wont have the luxury of owning homes or having a retirement or even social safety nets like social security st this point. I might end up having to survive off canned food and moldy bread from food banks if trump cuts food stamps more than theyve already been cut considering inflation and rising food costs/ corporate price gouging.
Any shade of fascism is unacceptable. Voting for a slightly less awful form of fascism and blaming people who didn’t vote or voted for jill stein / delacruz is like shooting yourself in the foot because it wouldn’t let you walk off a cliff on purpose.
We are in an age where a majority of what we see is manipulated propaganda that works to silence anyone with my opinion. Look at the reaction to the extrajudicial execution of Brian Thompson / support for luigi mangione. Every social media outlet silenced users who want to see revolution. We get chastised by the “ViOlEnCe iS nEvEr ThE aNsWeR” by the same society that brought you kent state and countless other extrajudicial police state murders. If non violence were so successful then those in power wouldn’t have a need for wars or militarized police or the death penalty. These are scared hypocrites who will and can do anythinf possible to maintain their power and present the illusion that what we are seeing and interpreting is a fair and level representation of reality and not a heavily manipulated propaganda filled control mechanism.
Everyone always says its better to have that still point within the ratcheting mechanism to build resistance but its impossible And naive to believe this because the democratic party and the state/ class dictatorship actively subverts and sabotages any movement left and manufacturing the consent of the populace to accept their system and play by their rigged rules.