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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • It is how cults of personality tend to work. That person dies, and they fall apart. There’s splinters that cause problems for decades to come, yes, but they have to rebuild their whole political power from scratch.

    For every cult of personality that you’ve heard of that sustained themselves in the long run after their leader’s death (like Scientology), there’s a hundred more you haven’t that faded away. For example, the Oneida Community. The leader, John Humphrey Noyes, fled the United States following an arrest warrant for statutory rape in 1879, and the group basically dissolved after that. The only thing left is the silverware company.

  • Here’s my pet theory on the death of hard drives: it’ll decline fast when SSDs hit twice the price per TiB, and we’re only a few years away.

    My thinking is that there’s a lot of corporate deployments of four drive RAID 10. With SSDs, you can make that two drive RAID 1 with equivalent redundancy, but much, much faster.

    Spinning platters are around $10 per TiB. SSDs around $60. (This does depend on the specific models of each.) SSDs would need to be cut in half about 1.5 times to reach that point.

  • Mostly, yes.

    I’d like to find a better way to phrase "why aren’t you . . . " questions. It carries an accusatory tone in text, even if you don’t intend that. The answer is almost invariably going to be either “I didn’t know it existed” or “because reason X”. Neither case justifies the accusatory tone. Maybe if the “I didn’t know it existed” answer was something so basic that they really should have known it existed, but probably not even then.

  • I have a bit of schadenfreude around this. For years, people said Europe was fine, and didn’t need to invest more in their military. “No, you silly American, we are just fine with the military we have because we don’t go invading other countries.”

    Now here we are. Thing is, I wasn’t even talking from the perspective of Europe becoming warmongers like us. I wanted Europe to be armed well enough to handle what the US has been doing, and the US can draw down its military. Then we could put that money into healthcare and schools and shit, but Europe would have to pick up the slack (and also Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, and Australia). This is still a good idea.

  • You know, maybe we shouldn’t be taking estimation advice from a 1980s science fiction movie that amounts to a systematic method of lying.

    Yes, I’ve used it before. Yes, you can hopefully have everything average out in the end. Yes, project managers demand estimates. None of these are good reasons to back up how fundamentally flawed it is.

  • Neither is all that great in practice.

    Gopher has many problems as a protocol. The original versions of HTTP had much the same problems, such as closing the connection at the end of a transfer rather than having a length header or a signal that the connection is actually done. HTTP went on to fix most of those problems, but Gopher never got the chance. Gopher+ started fixing it up, but it was a victim of bad timing. The Mosaic browser was released shortly after Gopher+ and everyone started switching over. To my knowledge, nobody has ever implemented Gopher+ on either a client or server. Not even after over 20 years of a “revival” movement.

    Gemini intentionally limits things, such as not having inline images. This is supposed to be done to keep out methods that have been historically used to track users, but things don’t work that way. I can just as easily send my logs to a data broker without using a pixel tracker if that’s what I want to do.

    In the end, you can just use HTTP with a static web page, zero cookies, and no JavaScript. That’s what I ended up doing for my old blog (after offering a Gemini version for a while), including converting a bunch of YouTube <iframe> tags to linked screenshots so you don’t even get YouTube cookies.