*only the games you didnt download
*only the games you didnt download
I wouldnt do it so ether
I am also thinking about hosting my own but that outch
Olauncher doesnt support icons
So lawnchair is still maintained here’s their github
And if you want to try Olaucher try the clutter free version on fdroid
I didn’t knew anything about him this is truely sad to hear
Idk what you mean exactly but I just search with yandex e.g. shreck 1 German free
In my graphene os settings I can toggle a permission that a app doesn’t have internet access anymore
I didn’t know that this feature is already dort of waring in the nightly build but it makes sence that they will test it out in nightly
For every one who want to test it out you can use iceraven browser a Firefox fork that supports way more extensions than stock Firefox mobile https://github.com/fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser
Yes I know that
You could use a user agent switcher to pretend that you are running chrome, edge or anything else
When I updated my system I use arch BTW it had an upgrade for the amd Unicodeavailable. I don’t know if the fix was in there but maybe
Tetris change my mind
I use ublock origin and block the ads
I’m currently using greetd-tui but I would instantly switch over to sddm if the Wayland session actually works. (I use hyprland as my window manager )