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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Once again, the type of weapons they use is irrelevant to using them as an example of terrorist/political groups being targeted by an indiscriminate terror attack from a foreign government. Your apologist attitude towards them is exactly why they get a free pass to murder and incite others to murder just because some other group uses bigger guns than them to once in a while murder an overall fewer amount of people per member of their own organization. So if you’re incapable of understanding the implications of government sponsored terrorism in a foreign land just because the people use rockets instead of rifles and media pundits as their weapons, I suppose it’s futile to continue.

  • Google it. These groups were attacking Asians (not even Chinese because they don’t know the difference) during COVID because Trump said they were responsible for it and/or made it up to allow the government to inject microchips and/or transgender inducing substances and all the other conspiracies. And these groups are highly anti-immigrant and are constantly attacking people they consider “Mexican” and supported calls by Trump and far-right pundits to bomb Mexico to reduce immigration and cartel crime. But again this is off subject as this is an example of what a similar attack on the a US extremist group by a foreign country would be like.

    These are extremist paramilitary groups just like Hezbollah. But they still don’t deserve to have their families killed by bombs put in their products by foreign governments.

  • Patenting things like this that are obviously unpatentable ideas rather than actual inventions is unfortunately a necessity for defensive purposes in a world where companies will do anything in order to kill competition except risk competing with them since that isn’t guaranteed by throwing money at it. Enforcing a bunch of patents against a company with fewer liquid assets is a guaranteed way to beat a competitor with money alone since winning the suit isn’t the goal, only draining the assets of the competitor. Sucks that this is considered a valid business practice now.

  • Ff is down because they got greedy and raised prices so that their food wasn’t exceptionally cheaper than the other options anymore which is the main reason people eat there. If people can’t afford the food anymore, that’s not the employee compensation, that’s bad business decisions. There was plenty of profit to cover the wage increases and still have huge profits if sales had stayed the same.

  • Lower taxes is good for home owners, too. It’s only those wanting to profit from housing prices in the short term who are hurt. The prices will go back up and as long as you are selling and then buying if you move, and the prices are going down across the board, you won’t lose anything.

    The only negative really other than for investors is for retirees who need to sell to have money to survive.

    And I say this as someone who purchased a home in an overpriced area a couple of years ago. The value has slightly declined and I’d love to see it further decline so I could pay less in taxes. In 15 or 20 years when I’m ready to sell it will be plenty valuable.

  • The overhead and performance hit aren’t worth it for me in general since these browsers are set up to enforce secure connections as long as you don’t override it. And I don’t have to worry about government level website filtering. I do see the value in tunnels for stopping the ISPs from tracking and selling the list of sites you connect to, but I’d rather set up my own proxy for that if I felt it was worth it. It’s easy enough to set up a web proxy on a small, cheap, remote VPS or pay for a trustworthy service with no logging so the ISP would just see that connection and it would be way faster. I don’t see much value in using a Tor browser otherwise anymore now that HTTPS is ubiquitous and secure DNS exists, unless you want to access things not on the public web.

  • Or you realize it’s not “intelligent” like the marketing suggests and realize it is eating tons of resources at almost all companies by being incapable of accurately doing the things it’s being used for (mostly to replace employees). So you are waiting, impatiently, for the buzz to fade so that executives wasting time and money on it will allow that money to be spent on more substantial needs, like hiring people.