Expert developer, Buddhist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Yeah I’m with you on this, I actually only got it for YouTube music — which really is like “here you can play any song from the history of humanity and also yt video audios.” Well actually what happened is I was using Google Music and then the assholes shut it down and merged it into YT Music which is now roughly on par. I was pissed, but user retained

    But I have been enjoying the fact that my subscription goes towards paying the ppl I watch, and I like that I’m unaffected by YT’s server side ads concept (which I’ve always wondered why they don’t do, I think it makes CDNs too hard to optimize while stitching ads directly into videos)

  • I just got a new laptop and was genuinely gonna try windows 11 and wsl for my coding needs. But in first boot, it demands internet to do updates. Ok, I connect to coffee shop wifi. Nope, won’t do it because it can’t handle the click through screen to accept wifi ToS. Fine. I take it home, where my Internet is great but has a glitch where it drops out for a few seconds now and then. Turns out that windows will literally cancel updating and demand I reconnect and restart for the kind of drop that I barely notice day to day. So I gave up, plugged in my ArchLinux thumb drive, and mkfs.ext4 before rsyncing my entire old computer to it

  • I’m kinda annoyed that this whole thing was pretty much a pitch for Tauri, and that’s a pretty lame looking webapp thing with typescript and whatever browser engine you happen to have lying around

    Tauri is tryna be all like “hey look at our install size, it’s smaller than electron!!” … like anyone cares about install size much. The problem is the memory/cpu use of web apps, which tends to 5x a decent native app. Maybe one day, with webassembly…

  •“Systemd is the future”
    3 months ago

    I guess reading the history, systemd did a better job of dependency resolution and parallel loading of startup services. Then some less interesting stuff like logins, permissions, and device management - which definitely seems out of scope. There’s been like 15 alternatives since it was made, but none of them got critical mass, and now pretty much every mainstream distro can’t run without it. Sad face

    While I’m here complaining, I really miss the days when Arch was configured from a single global file that handled many things like setting your hostname, locale, etc. I think it was dropped bc of maintenance & being not unixy enough. Kinda ironic