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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is exactly a problem of negligence. SS isn’t a fucking tree. It doesn’t just grow naturally. We have to put money into it and maintain that system, and not drain the coffers when we want to go bomb brown people in far away lands. When that system has been in place for decades and then someone doesn’t maintain it before me (I’m only 30 so I’ve only contributed about 12 years of my life to SS) but boomers worked for 40-50 years and kept trying to stop paying into it or taking from it, then they caused the problems. It’s not short sighted to call them out since they have had the most amount of time and have been the largest group of both voting and working blocks.

    SS is going to fail or be dried up by the time I hit 60 since we keep running into issues with it. At best those of us under 45 will have to figure out a new solution and rework the system so that we can pay for the failure and misgivings of those before us. You can try and sit on a high horse about not wanting to blame the older generations, but they’re literally the ones with the voting power and money to make this all work smoothly and they didn’t do shit. If you’re younger like me then you too will be paying for their fuck up. You can’t live off the knowledge you gained from realizing too late that the older generations fucked us. We cant eat knowledge, we can’t live in learning from past mistakes, and we can’t drink the warm idea of knowing we sat around and problem solved as a team.

  • I appreciate you recognizing that it was worded wrong, or how someone could interpret it that way.

    My problem with the original comment I replied to was more this idea that we should be breaking down big businesses (which we should) rather than focusing our efforts on building up small businesses. My wife and I have talked about opening up a book store (I don’t read, but my wife does and she’s passionate about it [200 books a year on average!]) and going from 10 to 50,000 first year support would make that leap from our comfortable finance management position for her to being a business owner. So for me I see how this personally impacts the every man and how it benefits us (and me) as a whole. Plus, as is often the case, people get so caught up in the details of things these days that we end up taking more time and spending more money/energy in the first place.

  • People seem to think those of us that dislike mediabias bot are downvoting because we don’t like the “liberal media” when I’m a blue voter… I hate the bot because I don’t like the idea of people simply looking to one “authority” on something and trusting it without actually reading the article or doing their own research. Plus it pushes ground news. Which sounds I guess good in theory, but considering they’re advertising like crazy through YouTubers, and the history of advertisers on YouTubers that end up being found to be doing shitty practices… I’m downvoting because who watches the watchmen kind of idea. This is trying to act as the watchmen and it just is another dumbing down of people who refuse to simply look into something themselves and understand bias in their own capacity.

  • I’ve been screaming it practically at people that were seeing a ton of things returning to pre pandemic levels this year as a ton of government money/programs ran out. There’s going to be an adjustment for people where they freak out and think everything is a sign of a recession, but I’m just not seeing any of those same signs. That’s not to say things aren’t going great, but it’s definitely not like a lot of these articles where they try to sound an alarm that doesn’t need to be sounded.