• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023

  • Honestly I got really high one night and had just seen the Shia LaBeouf song, so I decided to write my own fanfiction but sneaking it into random comments on Lemmy, and then I just kinda kept doing it. So no copy, but this is OC pasta.

    I’m gonna coin the term “getting LaBeouf’ed”

    You just got LaBeouf’ed.

  • I mean yea we want to stop erosion, but also going in a straight line is efficient. It’s all you can afford. You are in a dead sprint, forgetting the gash on your head. Down, down, down hill you go- it gets steeper but you try to use gravity to your advantage. You can’t let him catch you. You need to get to your car as soon as possible. What you and Sam saw back there was too much, and you both need to get as far away as possible. You are almost leaping with every sprint, but then you hit a patch of loose gravel and slip backwards, hitting your head on the ground. You feel dazed as you curl up grabbing the back of your skull. More blood comes out onto your hands, you know you are concussed but you also know the only way for survival is forward. You get back up and move as fast as you can. You look for Sam but in the confusion you lost him. You look around but the California landscape goes for miles, and you know this is where people disappear. You see far below is a stream, and all streams go down hill. You keep up the pace until you come to the waters lapping up to the pebbles around. You start moving down the flow of the stream as it gets larger. As you run, you see him- “SAM” you call out. He’s sitting on a log looking up, but he doesn’t turn around. You run up to him, the striped shirt you gave him is torn up. “Sam?” That’s when you know that somehow you’ve been outmanoeuvred.

    A pike was holding the body of Sam up on the log, as if he was a lawn ornament. You best friend who you saved twice in Kuwait sat there, upright, but the life was long gone. You promised his mother you would keep him safe, but now you failed in what was supposed to be a small day hike.

    Suddenly you see a flash of metal from the side of your eyes. Your concussion plus the sun makes it so hard to see, but you finally make out the figure who put you two through all this. Suddenly you vomit as you stumble to get away, but you become dizzy and splash into the shallows of the river. You try to get out when suddenly a hand grabs you by the hair and pulls you up.

    There he is. Bloodied hands and all. You never thought you would be here. You never thought you would die by his hand. You never thought it would be today. You never thought it would be

    Shia LaBeouf

    But at the end of the day we want to minimize the impact of human activity in protected areas. Having switchbacks for stable roads helps avoid unnecessary maintenance that could be even more disruptive. Civil engineering is important!

  • I mean I do agree with the points that it would be torture for Trump to have to choose between being the focus of a witch hunt or the pitiful disgraced president who only was saved by the kindness of his opponent. When I heard Biden is “throwing down the gauntlet” to debate Trump again, I let out the biggest groan. If I were him I wouldn’t give Trump a platform to look like an equal. I know it feels good to want to beat the living shit out of Trump, but I understand from a political perspective that it might not be the best strategy to win in 2024. I liked it better when Biden was acting senile and not childish.

    After that it’s hard not to see the negative consequences of pardoning Trump. There should be a message to other politicians that we are not afraid to send you to jail.

  • Exactly. Historically the left cancel culture has been in the private sector, which is protected. A company can fire you for saying racist shit, and you can be shunned by your community as they are individuals exercising their right to shun.

    Right wing cancel culture exists in Congress and local governments, where they pass laws to silence teachers, make it illegal for trans people to exist, and send the national guard to beat up protesters.

    This is an instance where a left wing group may experience the other side of the former.


    It seems I didn’t communicate my idea clearly and people think the exact opposite of what I meant. I meant left wing folks tend to cancel people through social means, like when no one wants to see a film with Kevin Spacey, whereas the right wing folks cancel people legally, like how you can’t be a communist in office or it’s illegal for an atheist to hold office in 7 states.

    My last statement is how students having trouble getting a job is part of a “social canceling”.

    I was super confused as to why I was getting down voted since I was trying to agree with what was being said and add to the conversation.

  • Right? Like we all saw that Iran was going to for tat, and their attack was pretty much neutralized. At this point Israel is just accelerating the conflict.

    I don’t want to believe our media is biased either, but like let’s take a moment and remember that we’ve been told the reason Iran and the Taliban hate us is because we have and love freedom. Like seriously, take a moment if you were alive and conscious in 2003 and what messaging we got then. It’s so stupid.

  • People are saying get hobbies… And yep.

    I’ve been very “successful” on the dating apps, but they almost always resulted in a one night stand or a fling for a few weeks. You meet someone with the expectation of romance and you never form a friendship because you see eachother as romantic partners first. That may work for some people, but I see it as a loss of foundation. When I don’t have a history with someone before being intimate, I tend to feel overwhelmed with the anxiety of expectations.

    For me I found swing dancing was a great way to meet people. It’s fun, there isn’t necessarily an expectation of romance, but it also is a mood where romance can happen. I also thought to myself “I can either sit on my couch high AF while feeling like shit as I swipe left and right while trying to hold a virtual conversation that mostly goes nowhere, or I can go dancing. If I strike out on tinder, I feel like I wasted an evening. If I strike out dancing, fuck it I had a great time anyway!”