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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Don’t kid yourself, you “giving” him a few views isn’t gonna make any difference, taking a principled stance on it is like peeing in the ocean.

    Just watch a few of his videos or listen to some of his podcasts, instead of letting other people give your their viewpoint on him just get your own viewpoint, do it without any bias either… pick an episode that you are interested in pick something you don’t agree with and pick something that could go either way. You might agree with some stuff and not other things but at least you determined that for yourself

    I used to listen to his podcast but lost interest plus I’d only listen to the stuff I had any interest in, science and technology stuff. He had some odd views/stuff I didn’t agree with but that’s living in reality you aren’t always gonna agree with people.

  • This is what happens when people base their entire world and political beliefs on identity, they always have to bring it up lol

    Anyone who identifies as something and bases their entire personality on it is boring as fuck, my personality is all about my sexual interests, my personality is all based on my religion, my skin colour, my favourite beer…. Fucking snooze, 1 dimensional cardboard cutouts