• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • I’d support anything to see NIntendo get kicked in the nuts for shutting down yuzu, which could have easily continued legally by removing like 2 paragraphs and probably a few lines of code.

    Also Citra which was 100% legal.


    I also wanna mention that current Pokemon gameplay sucks, and would also kill to see GameFreak’s billion dollar franchising burn. Maybe 15 20 years ago when hardware was “limited”, a low asset turn based RPG focused around pocket monsters was a fun game. Ain’t no way a PS1 graphics looking game with practically zero changes to the formula can be considered AAA title in 2024. And even then they’ve somehow made it into an A button press simulator by nuking the difficulty.

    Being completely honest, the DS hardware was not that limited (had 2 generations on it with significant upgrades despite being the same console). BW2 was probably the golden era with very well done animated sprites, overworld, features, etc. The moment it hit the 3DS, it started showing its cracks with GF continuing to develop the game without expanding the team to meet development demand.

    Palworld isn’t even the first challenger. TemTem gained some popularity purely for showing how much of an upgrade it was from Pokemon only a few years ago.

  • Yeah but the US media was too busy implying that China manufactured the virus in a bio lab.

    Funnily enough China still suffered because it failed to lock down early enough because the government tried to ignore and detain doctors in an effort to control the narrative that everything would be fine.

    The US suffered because they nuked their Pandemic emergency pla only like a few years before covid because Trump thought Spanish Fever wouldn’t reincarnate to finish the job on its 100th anniversary lol.

    So it was easy to vaguely point at China instead of actually solving the problem.

  • You know the more that I think about it, the more I realize that if the CIA or NSA were tasked with eliminating Hezbollah using the same vulnerability, they probably would have set up the same shell company, but install a hardware wire backdoor into every device which would let them do insane espionage or setup widespread jamming or even fake intel, complelty remotely too.

    They already have so many systems that do similar things, it wouldn’t even be that difficult for them to pull off and cause Hezbollah to disintegrate by having them run around falling into easily laid traps.

    But of course this is Israel, so they went with explosives to maximize that sweet civilian collateral like they’re trying to top the bang for buck warcrime leaderboard.

  • Actually, the fake vaccine initiative had several sources say it wasn’t successful in proving OBL’s final location.

    By that point, they had found his suspicious compound anyway but needed some sort of confirmation that OBL was really there.

    Regardless, now a substantial amount of people refuse to take vaccines after they learned the hep b drive was actually a CIA operation.

    Which is really stupid because Pakistan was formerly the last country that still had polio cases and it took them another decade before they finally started to reduce it. iirc they were just recently surpassed by Gaza.

  • I think people are mad that they keep nuking trade and trying to ramp up military involvement for a double solvable issue that would repair both the economy at home and negate a trade war with China.

    Except that invovles proper market regulation and not slapping tariffs to protect monopoly profits.

    Probably just hit a nerve with people that China’s usual tactics of slamming boats is suddenly worthy of America getting invovled just because a news crew was onboard, but 10 months of actual warzone genocide reporting in Israel means nothing to the government.

    Either that or there’s just a bunch of pissed off tankies lmao.

  • I’d say about 99% is the same.

    Two notable things that were different were:

    • Podman config file is different which I needed to edit where containers are stored since I have a dedicated location I want to use
    • The preferred method for running Nvidia GPUs in containers is CDI, which imo is much more concise than Docker’s Nvidia GPU device setup.

    The second one is also documented on the CUDA Container Toolkit site, and very easy to edit a compose file to use CDI instead.

    There’s also some small differences here and there like podman asking for a preferred remote source instead of defaulting to dockerhub.

  • Kamala and the party holding him accountable for this shit and pushing for him to get out now if he’s really demented enough to still believe Israel, would really help nonvoters see the difference.

    She told the nonvoters to screw off at the DNC rally so I think it’s safe to assume she won’t be changing her stance any time soon.

    Show people who aren’t planning on voting that at least one option holds themselves accountable

    Can’t wait for the inevitable “polls way off” after Michigan alone rocks the vote. She’ll still probably win considering Trump is losing heavily now, but it’ll be interesting to watch nonetheless.