Leftists decided punishing Democrats was more important than the rights of marginalized people living in the US, so now we have Trump. Thanks leftists. You’re the reason we will have concentration camps again.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2024


  • The younger generation has a problem with externalizing their issues to others without feeling responsible for these issues themselves.

    There is always some other party with influence and power who is either antagonizing them or should take care of them like a parent and when they don’t, everything is the fault of that “parent”.

    For example, it’s the “DNCs fault” we’re in the state we’re in apparently even though a lot of people didn’t vote and encouraged others not to vote. The democrat party is not some nebulous entity or corporation that exists to cater to your whims like you’re some customer it must please to earn your vote. It’s made up of people. People like you who got together with other people to try to enact their political ideals and vision for the country.

    If you don’t like that vision, you need to get with other people who share your vision, start from the ground up, win local elections and start changing the party bit by bit. But this is hard work and much more difficult than screaming that the octogenarian politicians are ruining your life when nobody your age is actually doing anything to replace them because you don’t want to become career politicians.

    Stop behaving and whining like perpetual petulant children and actually do the hard work to make the change you want to see instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.