I’m waiting for someone to marry a corporation just to show how absurd the idea of corporate personhood is.
I’m waiting for someone to marry a corporation just to show how absurd the idea of corporate personhood is.
There is that (probably untrue) theory that the main reason he bought Twitter was because at the time, Twitter wouldn’t ban the ElonJet tracking account. Were that the case, it would kinda/sorta make sense that he’s want to kill the platform.
The real villains here are the absurdly rich. Especially those who find ways to pay less in taxes.
The top 1% are the problem.
Tax the rich.
This is my boomer MIL. She is honestly one of the kindest people I know. . She votes pro-environment/pro-social issues and has given (almost beyond her means) everything she can to virtually anyone who needs it. She has almost nothing left, and is a stones throw from couch surfing. I have no idea what’ll happen when her health starts to fail. As frustrated as I am with boomers, I try to remember her and the good she has tried to bring about in the world.
I’m not a knower. Context?
Well, if Gen X and Millennials wanted their own fortunes they should have planned ahead like boomers and been born back when a house cost $7,500.
Currently on my phone:
Civilization VI Civilization Revolutions 2 Into The Breach Mini Motorways Shovel Knight Dig Slay the Spire Grindstone
Does it trap other bugs? I want to get rid of mosquitoes, but don’t want to mess with any others.