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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t have cameras in my store and i doubt you walk around with a gopro strapt to your forehead. Crypto stores develop reputation as well.

    On what are you basing the opinion that MUCH larger percentage of the crypto ecosystem is devoted to scams? Legal action is the only recourse you have with cash, the same can be done with crypto. If design of crypto incentives scams then so does the design of cash.

    Yes, but gullibility is the #1 problem and again, crypto has no safeguards or recourse.

    Neither does cash, gift cards and all of the methods Nigerian princes and certified Microsoft technicians from IRS have been successfully using for years to scam their victims.

    The whole point of making the system decentralized is so that a powerful actor can’t seize control over it. There are hundreds of chains with different rules and regulations, you can chose the one that fits your needs, and if a powerful actor tries to change it’s rules the community can decide that the version of the chain with altered rules isn’t one they want to take part in and split off. It has happened before with block size wars that resulted in btc/bch split. Both chains run fine to this day, each with their own rules decided by their own community.

  • How is it harder to scam with cash? You come to my store to buy something, you hand me the bill, I take it and don’t give you anything in return. Even if you call the police it’s my word against yours, how will you prove that I took your money?

    Most scams are done irl with FIAT (fake bills, overpriced cooking pots, fake tech support, palm reading, IRS google play cards, nigerian princes, fake e-bay items, fake charge-backs for real e-bay items, uber ride cancels, uncancellable memberships, hidden costs…) at the end of the day you can’t protect everyone from everything, especially from their own gullibility. The design of crypto, when used properly, prevents all of the non-gullibility based scam types (chargebacks, cancels, hidden costs, automatic deductions etc.). For some people complete control over their money is a plus and some prefere to have it handled by banks and governments, maybe crypto just wasn’t made for the latter.

  • A gui app that lets you:

    • symmetrically encrypt and decrypt text and files with AES-256 and without any weird formating that would make it incompatible with openssl.
    • generate (without writing to file) RSA-(2048-4096) keys and asymmetrically encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify text and files.

    It should be simple without any advanced options or storing any data or credentials or saving anything without asking the user. For example;

    For symmetric text:

    • 3 text boxes, 1 for input, 1 for output, 1 for password, encrypt/decrypt radio, 1 button.

    For symmetric file:

    • file picker, 1 password text box, encrypt/decrypt radio, 1 button

    For asymmetric generation:

    • 2 text boxes, 1 for priv key, 1 for pub key, 1 button.

    For asymmetric text:

    • 3 text boxes, 1 for input, 1 for output, 1 for priv/pub key, encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify radio, 1 button

    For asymmetric file:

    • file picker, 1 priv/pub key text box, encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify radio, 1 button

  • That’s just not true. Monero, litecoin, bch… transactions cost less than a penny. No one uses bitcoin for illegal things anymore (it’s tracable and forever on the blockchain, people use monero instead) but if they were wouldn’t that mean bitcoin is useful for exchanging goods?

    I use crypto for a bunch of legitimate things like paying for my VPN, phone bill, donating to foss projects etc.

    I use it because it’s more private, faster and more convenient for me. I can always have it with me, use it from any place, any time, for anything I want with no hidden fees and no one can seize, freeze, track or control my money. If you think that thoes things are valueable only to criminals you must have lived under some 1st world rock for a while.