I mean I did something stupid when hand fireing it, so they got a point ig
I mean I did something stupid when hand fireing it, so they got a point ig
just gonna mention ocean gate here
nah, this is fr and I DID learn out of this experience, I just wanted to share it, so everyone can be reminded how important safety is
edit: also the reason I posted a screenshot of my camera roll is, because I did something illegal
I meant it as in at least it was 100% infill not as in it was 100%++ infill
I send the stl files
edit: but the only thing they did wrong was usibg pla instead of abs
I belive an abs gun should be able to fire 2-3 shots, also it’d probably crack instead of explode (according to people who tried it that is)
ofc I weren’t! eye/ear protection is for soy boys!
I’m a hobby gunsmith who happend to buy a 3d printer
gun made boom, but in the wrong direction, because my friend printed the barrel with a weaker material
edit: typo
I think you misrepresent something here, I clearly told my friend which filament to use and trusted them, that’s why it’s mildly infuriating
nah, it felt heavy enough to be at least 100% infill, this is the reason there are no plastic fragments in my hand
ok, I’ll admit I’m kinda at fault here to
forgot to mention: it fortunately only was a 40gr .22lr
I would consider “race mixing” something more neutral, because it should be the norm
as I statet, there are nazis everywhere, that includes ukraine, but we both know how OP intended this post
thought I’ll read the Kapital again, since I appear to have forgotten pretty much anything from it
thx for refreshing my memory, I should totally read it again, it’s been almost 20 years now
> What do you agree with about Marx?
just off my head:
well, then I’m an “anti-marxist” I wouldn’t really like to put it that way tho, since I agree with him on a lot of things
also sry for twisting things, it’s been a long time since I read marx
sry, meant ocean gate (I’ll edit it)