• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Since you aren’t getting any recommendations from anyone that’s tried both, I’m gonna give some second hand anecdotal info. If that’s not useful for you, just skip the rest.

    Back in my gym days, and through dating women that worked out, strings are generally comfortable enough once you get used to them. They tend to ride up less than something like tangas because they don’t have to overcome the glutes in the first place.

    This means that, while you will initially notice the string in the gluteal fold, they don’t really get any more “up there” by being active. I can’t promise you that working out in string undies will be comfortable for you, but the women I’ve known that did, never had any comfort issues. Undies riding up is largely because they’re stretched over our glutes, and as we move, they get pulled up and in. With strings, they’re already in there, so what little pulling they do experience tends to be less noticeable.

    However, they do still sometimes show lines if the outer clothing is thin or tight enough, but that will be in a much less visible place, and whatever top you’re wearing should cover that just fine.

    Now, as far as accumulating sweat, everything you wear while sweating is going to accumulate some. The only way to avoid that is to use materials that repel water entirely, which just causes other issues with the sweat.

    But the key is that the string is in a place where the sweat is going to be less of an issue. While the buttcrack/gluteal fold does sweat, and sweat runs through there from other places, it’s not going to pool there for long, and the string isn’t bulky enough to absorb much in the first place. So you end up with less noticeable sweat lines than some other types of undies, and it doesn’t trap moisture in the fold, or around the genitals.

    So they’re a good choice for avoiding visible lines, as well as reducing the print of sweat through leggings or other form fitting clothes.

    Cotton is actually where you want to be. It does absorb sweat, but that’s a good thing. When it sucks it up, it also distributes it. That means it evaporates off faster. It’s also a very breathable material, so your parts aren’t going to stay as damp while sweating. Damp cracks and genitals are not a good thing. That’s how jock itch loves to set up shop. Heat + moisture + darkness = fungus paradise.

    Cotton undies are pretty much the gold standard for working out, imo. That’s for men and women. You’ll stay drier, get less chafing; the undies dry out faster as you change, so there’s less funk in the gym bag too. There’s some arguments to be made about the blended fiber “wicking” fabrics, but good luck finding those in form factors that won’t print through leggings.

    Now, like I said, string undies are a different feel. Some people never get used to them, and hate them. And I say people because men do have string options if they go looking for them. But simple cotton ones aren’t expensive, so there’s not much risk involved in trying some.

    Now, I will also add that while strings are less visible through clothes, it isn’t like that’s necessarily what you want. You didn’t specify what kind of noticeability you are worried about. String undies do very little to hide the glutes, even less than tangas. So while you lose the lines, it may make the shape of your glutes more noticeable in other ways. Imo, it isn’t much, and anyone already looking at your backside isn’t going to be paying more or less attention to what undies you have on than they would in any given type of undies.

    What you might get less of with strings under leggings is attention from fashion police. If you’re more concerned with being ogled, it’s a bit of a coin flip which way will be more noticed by the kind of folks that are going to give more than a glance. Lines vs no lines, it really depends on how the ogler thinks, so it’s not something that’s entirely possible to negate.

    I’d guesstimate that guys will end up paying less attention without lines on average unless they’re just horndogs that will eyeball any woman just because. The horndogs, you really can’t predict as much, they’ll find something rude to think (or say, though most of them aren’t stupid enough to say it on the gym floor at least) either way. But for guys that just take a look and move on, the lack of lines gives the brain less texture to pay attention to, so they don’t linger as long. I have no idea what kind of locker room talk women have, so I can’t guess in that regard.

    Again, this is all based off of second hand info. Women discussing the options with or around me, men talking about such things (fwiw, most locker rooms, the horndogs get shut down pretty fast. Serious gym rats don’t put up with their shit.)

    Well, the fabric stuff is partially my own experience, plus the general advice given by the medical community about preventing issues from sweating heavily. Cotton really is the best overall option for workout clothing. Nothing else has that mix of properties where it wicks sweat away, doesn’t retain it much, but still evaporates it at the right rate to keep you cool in roughly the same way bare skin and sweating would. Even the best blends don’t improve on cotton, they shift the balance towards a given factor.

  • You do understand that someone not wanting their underwear to show through their outerwear isn’t necessarily about attracting attention, right?

    The way they phrased the post points to not wanting to attract attention.

    So, while it would be nice if every woman (or man tbh) could go to the gym and work out without some asshole eyeballing them because they made the mistake of not taking the extra step of minimizing the visibility of their panties, the world isn’t currently like that.

    Women get unwanted attention in some gyms to begin with. And, as you said, “nobody you would actually want to meet cares about lines in your clothing”, but the ones that do care are the ones you don’t want to meet, and are more likely to cross lines.

    Be realistic here. You’re assuming a woman asking about underwear visibility is seeking attention. That’s the same kind of thinking as the ones that would see underwear lines and go bother a woman. “Oh, look at those panty lines, she’s advertising.”

    That’s some crappy thinking right out of the gate.

  • Well, it’s just a company trying to hype their product, so definitely craze territory.

    There is some good stuff in shrooms as others have already covered, and most of that will be present in a broth made from them. So it isn’t totally bullshit. But it also isn’t coffee in any way at all.

    As far as making it into a power yourself, you likely wouldn’t get the same results since drying the damn things, then processing them is not exactly a learning curveless thing. Definitely doable, just takes some effort to get nailed. I used to do it to add flavor to stuff without having the actual pieces of mushroom present, since the texture is offputting to a decent number of people I have cooked for. Not worth the effort imo, but maybe if you’ve been recommended to have a specific mushroom by your doctor, it would be worth it.

  • The only reason it’s obvious is that there’s billions of people in earth. It’s hard to find anything that there isn’t a decent number of people that feel/experience the same thing.

    Which is no biggie at all, I didn’t intend for it to come across snippy or anything.

    Hell, the only reason I even mentioned that this isn’t best place is that once you get enough down votes, a post can get buried to anyone that isn’t sorting by new. Reduces the chances of interaction.

    I’m trying to recall where on lemmy, and what the name is, for the “doesanyoneever” type of thing. I ran a couple of searches, but there’s too many ways it could have been created the run through them all but there is one, and I could have sworn it was on lemmy.world, but I’m not seeing it currently. But I could just be missing it, I dunno.

  • I mean, is this actually a question?

    It really seems more like a rant followed with a DAE at the end to keep form.

    There’s nothing to answer here.

    Which is fine, but you picked the wrong C/ for it, which means you aren’t as likely to get favorable responses.

    But, with that said, of course you’re not the only one. It’s a pretty common sentiment, particularly when people have some long term health issues (physical or mental). You go to enough group therapy sessions, you’d be hard pressed to not have any given group be a majority of members feeling the same. Same with many support groups.

    It’s a thing.

  • The down votes are about not having done due diligence.

    Private investigators don’t break stalking laws because they don’t need to. They can do their jobs comfortably, from a distance, without any illegal acts at all.

    For the question in the post itself, they don’t even need to have anything to do with the subject of their job. They’ll be looking into backgrounds, digging through records as their main method. Most of what any PI does is digging through records.

    Even when they observe and record current activity of a person, there’s no need to violate stalking laws the get the job done, because those laws are written with pretty specific language. With the caveat that the exact wording is going to vary by jurisdiction, there’s no sustained harassment, or any direct contact at all during a normal PI job. Even photography or other records are made from a distance, and in places where the expectation of privacy doesn’t apply. More important, they don’t sustain that level of surveillance past the point where the case ends.

    Now, that’s not saying that individual PIs don’t cross the line, they probably do, the same as paparazzi do, though probably far less often since their entire job is expensive to pay for, and they won’t be paid if they end up in trouble for breaking laws while doing something unnecessary.

    In other words, movies and TV vastly misconstrue what the job is actually like.

  • I don’t think this one has a clear cut answer.

    In other words, it’ll come down to opinions rather than facts or truths.

    There’s at least three likely possibilities, in my opinion.

    First is that hamas is decentralized well enough that taking out leadership only is kinda pointless.

    Second, the goals of the current actions aren’t solely about hamas, and taking out leaders would weaken the goals as they appear.

    Third, mossad may not be able to achieve the goal, and failing would be too risky considering how much pressure is already building against israel. If they try to assassinate people in other countries, and they fail, that’s going to make more enemies than they already have, despite those countries themselves already being less than friendly to Israel.

    I suspect that the matter was considered, but discarded quickly. It just wouldn’t achieve anything useful for them, despite the purported goal of destroying hamas.

    Now, there’s also the chances that the real goal is purely to destroy Palestine, and take full ownership of the land. That’s a distinct possibility, imo. If that’s the real underlying goal, doing anything to take down hamas before that’s achieved would not happen.

    I don’t think that anyone can trust what a world leader engaged in a military action of any kind, so taking the stated goals as truth is a bad idea. But they could be, and if that’s the case, then using assassination as a tool would weaken their position. It’s kinda frowned on.

  • call your local recycling center and ask. Seriously, they’ll usually be very happy to help you, especially if you’re asking something like this. Most people never bother to check what is and isn’t supposed to be sent to them.

    Here’s the thing. Glass is damn near infinitely recyclable in theory. It, however, isn’t usually economically realistic, so it varies a lot from location to location whether or not it actually gets recycled. A lot of it ends up in local landfills.

    But, bleach will kill off anything that would be a problem. Mix up a 1:10 solution, soak that shit, then let it air dry thoroughly. Won’t be anything left on it that’s dangerous.

  • That would likely be more the retained lipids. Does your poo float well? If so, that’s likely the cause.

    Acrolin (spelling may be wrong, I’m too tired too look it up lol) is the main chemical you smell from over heated oils. There’s also several types of aldehydes made as a byproduct of digesting fats, and they’ll tend to be more present when the fats didn’t get totally broken down.

    But that’s usually something you smell more in poop than flatus. What you’re smelling in the gas is most likely traces akin to the levels of things like cadaverine that aren’t a main component produced as a gas the way hydrogen sulfide is.

    That’s best guess.

    If your poo is floating most of the time, and you’re smelling that distinct fried food aroma, might want to cut back on your fat intake a little. Or switch more to polyunsaturated fats at least. It’s okay if poo floats sometimes, but it should be either neutral buoyant, or sinking most of the time. If there’s enough fat that it floats regularly, that’s almost always a sign that you’re taking in too much, too often. Polyunsaturated fats won’t change that, but at least they’re a teeny bit less problematic healthwise (as of current best practices I’m aware of).

    If it’s not floating, or the smell isn’t coming along with fatty foods, get your gall bladder checked just to be extra, extra safe. Something like half the people I’ve known that ended up having theirs removed had issues with their poo looking and smelling funny, often with higher fat levels and unusual smelling gas. Not saying it’s some kind of “oh my god” thing, it’s just being super cautious.

  • Freshness?

    That’s a giant no. All of the stuff that makes a fart smell like a fart are too volatile to store.

    Yeah, the main constituents are stable enough, but methane alone does not a fart make. Besides, not all farts contain methane.

    The stuff that smells is what matters for freshness. Hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg), methanethiole (cabbage-like), scatole & indole (poop smell), dimethyl sulfide (garlicky) are the ones that are less than pleasant.

    But there’s stuff like lemonine and pinene as well. They don’t smell unpleasant to most people, but in the wrong proportions, they can contribute to unpleasantness alongside others.

    And all that’s just the main, common ones. You get traces of stuff like cadaverine sometimes.

    The thing most (actually all, but I want to give leeway for the internet) of that have in common isn that they react with other things to some degree or another. They interact with each other in an enclosed space. Hydrogen sulfide is (iirc), the most stable of them, but it isn’t exactly going to sit unchanged in a container forever with the other ones.

    There’s actually a decent amount of research into the digestive processes that involve gasses because they’re a big indicator of how things are working in the gut. There’s patterns of flatulence contents that vary between people with various digestive issues (like IBS, and IBD in terms of chronic conditions). Active infections change the patterns during infection, and may cause long term changes as well.

    An interesting side note is that the chemicals that make farts is that they’re also found in rotting bodies, and rotting vegetation, though the proportions and exact chemicals vary between all of those. Digestion is controlled decay, if you want a pithy little phrase to piss off pedants :)

    It isn’t even an inaccurate phrase; a lot of what happens in decomposition of animals (including humans) is driven by enzymes and bacteria, including the same ones found in our gut. But it’ll piss off pedants anyway, because it isn’t exactly the same thing.

    There’s a reason that feces, flatulence, rot, bad breath, and even burning things can share smells in common. There’s a reason skunk spray, or musk, or even stale sweat have similarities that our noses can detect. Chemistry, chemical reactions.

    They’re also partially done by itty bitty critters crawling on and in everything. Those smells in our farts, poop, and rotting flesh are all germ farts. They’re the waste products of bacteria (and fungi) eating our waste, the waste of everything. Those microbes are chemical factories.

    It’s pretty fucking cool.

  • Well, it mostly depends on why you’re missing them.

    Believe it or not, sometimes there’s nothing you can do. Some people will sleep through any noises at all, though it’s really unusual.

    Most likely, your brain is telling you that you aren’t sleeping enough by refusing to react to the stimulus.

    So you gotta fix what’s wrong. If you’re staying up late, begin rest earlier, even if you don’t sleep earlier (which can be the case for some types of insomnia). Just being in dark/low light with as little external stimulus as possible can help your brain and body “recharge” a little even when you don’t sleep enough. That’s a short term fix, you’ll eventually need to figure out what to do to address the insomnia directly.

    If you’re not staying asleep it’s harder to address without outside help. Tbh, it isn’t usually something that you can crowd source an answer for just because there’s too many possibilities. A sleep study tends to end up being the real answer. But you can try various meditative methods when you wake up to help drop back out faster, if you’re waking up enough to do so.

    The major problem comes in when you can’t tell you’re waking up, or are just sleeping so poorly that it amounts to the same thing. Apnea is a bitch like that, so you’d want to rule it out one way or another.

    All of that being said, you can also try vibration based alarms, like the kind that go under the mattress or pillow. There’s also wrist and headband based ones. Sometimes, especially if your brain is just inviting the alarms because it’s pissy about ignoring sounds, tactile stimulation gets the job done because our brains process it differently, and it’s harder to filter out past a point.

    I would try getting more and better sleep as the primary fix though. Get to bed earlier, make sure you minimize light and noise, and learn some techniques like progressive relaxation and deep, controlled breathing. If you need background sound, err on the side of “white noise” over music, but music will do in a pinch as long as it’s on a timer so it doesn’t interfere with the sound of the alarm later.

    Make sure you aren’t snoring heavy, and if you are, address that. The problem is that it often takes a ton of experimentation to figure out what actually helps you. Snoring isn’t the same as apnea, necessarily, but it does disturb your sleep sometimes.

    Avoid stimulants at least 4 hours before bed. No caffeine, no tobacco, no meth (the last is mostly a joke, but check that any prescription meds or OTC meds aren’t stimulants).

    And, obviously, if you can, talk to your doctor about a sleep study.

  • Eh, imagine how the nurse’s assistants feel. A lot of that tier of medical care end up on disability before retirement age, after years of dealing with literally being shit on.

    We’re all trapped in a capitalist hell. It doesn’t do any good for us (as in the individual) to dwell on whether or not other workers make more or less than we do. And doctors in industrialized healthcare are labor, not management or the owners. Only the ones that break free of things and open their own practice that’s independent are partially outside of labor.

    But, if you look at the system as it is, doctors get extra rewards once they’re fully allowed to practice because they spend a major amount of their life and youth in specific studying and training instead of making income. They’re usually so deep into student debt that it won’t be paid off for decades. Their specialist level of training means that they have to preserve their energy and time to be able to work later in life than they might otherwise.

    Nursing is kind of in between blue and white collar work. Doctors are almost always white collar. Low physical demands, but high energy/time demands, with high consequences for minor errors at times.

    It isn’t that they don’t deserve the pay they get. It’s that everyone should be getting paid very well in a high risk job. If capitalism is in place, that isn’t going to happen; we’re treated like a resource instead of people. But within that framework, someone with extensive skill and education is a more valuable, and more scarce resource.

    My advice? Unionize. Nurses have more power than they think. It’s a skilled profession that takes large numbers of people to keep the machine grinding along. Don’t worry about the doctor, worry about making your job more respected and valued. Be pissed at the system, and work to change it. It’s the only way that profit driven industries will realize they can only be parasites to an acceptable degree.

    But, yeah, it’s always going to help if you increase your education, and thus your value to the machine. If it’s a low cost add-on to your degree/license, even better.

  • Well, what you’re describing is probably more about where you’re connecting rather than the fact that they’re dealing weed illegally.

    The illegal drug trade is always a risky one. This means that it runs high to people that are desperate enough to take that risk in order to gain the benefits.

    This, in turn, means that when it’s an illegal drug that also runs high to users that are desperate as well, there’s kind of an amplifying effect. The dealers end up not really caring about much other than the money and what it represents. They don’t need a clean house because it’s temporary. They rent knowing they won’t be there long, and will leave as soon as there’s too much heat.

    By not keeping their crash neat and full of things that would be desirable, they don’t have to worry about clientele or rivals targeting them as much. They’ll hide their cash as well as they can, and let everything else go to hell.

    Now, that is going to vary in percentages depending on the types of drugs they’re selling, and the location. Someone that’s dealing coke, weed, and hallucinogens around a college don’t have the same problems as someone dealing pills and meth near gang turf. But even dealers in nice areas can let things stay trashy, and the ones dealing out of their trailer on the edge of town can keep nice homes (though those tend not to deal out of their crib tbh).

    It’s a fairly complicated thing tbh. You’ve got conflicting socioeconomic strata, goals, sources, clientele, and individual background.

    As an example, while I can’t smoke weed, I’m an advocate for legalization (and have been since the 90). I’m not shy about talking about it, so I’ve had stoner friends, and dealer friends. Some of those used/sold other things. But the weed only dealers tended to be neater than multi-substance dealers.

    One of the dealers dated a family member for a while, and this guy was trailer people. Now, that’s not trailer trash, not up here. We have both. We’ve got folks that live in trailers by choice or economic circumstances, and then there’s the folks that live in trailer parks because it’s cheap and easy to be forgotten while doing whatever you want.

    But some of those folks raised in trailers want out and that’s how this guy was, and why he was a dealer. He’d sell weed, some ecstasy, and some acid, move the cash through his mechanic shop, and ended up doing very well. His single wide was spotless. He wasn’t there much, but it stayed nice when he was.

    But he was honestly the exception.

    When I’d have to go to dealer’s places in the same area, it was never nice. I kinda had a degree of immunity to the bullshit because I was a home health worker, and one of the few that would go to those kinds of places, but it’s just an ugly fact that poverty and a degree of not giving a shit go together. When some is also ignoring social mores to deal drugs, they’re more likely to ignore other social rules like not pissing in a sink full of dirty dishes. And know that because of finding bowls full of piss in sinks. Which is a whole nuther story lol.

    Anyway, what I’m getting at is that with you being itinerant, the people willing to sell you weed are most likely the ones that will sell pretty casually. Most of the time, that’s the folks that are dealing out of desperation/need rather than a belief in the free market or against drug laws. This means you’ll see more of the ones that just DNGAF about anything.

    If you settled down for a year or two, I think you’d eventually run into dealers that either won’t deal out of their homes, or it’s their actual home, so they treat it better.

    Btw, Don, you ask some awesome fucking questions. No bullshit, I think I’ve seen more of your questions that make me think, or draw me in, in other ways, than anyone else. This one may seem a little limited at first glance, but you’ve noticed something that’s a fucking deep indicator of social structures, social norms, and how they’re thought about and portrayed. I dunno if it’s on purpose or not, but I’ve noticed that about your questions here.