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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Oh, I said that as a programmer all right. And that’s how I’ve approached AI - I ran it locally, and kept poking it until I began to get a feel for it. Until I could see patterns. Until I could put together a methodology

    They exist. Word choice matters greatly. Shorter is better. Varied word choice is better. Less “orders” is better. Strange combinations of tokens can convey something in non-obvious ways. They all seem to have a very strong attachment to the name “Luna”

    They’re as deterministic as any software is, if you run it in the same state with the same input you’ll get the same result, sometimes with minor wording changes

    And software isn’t as deterministic as we pretend it is. Programming doesn’t require it either, luckily. Every program you’ll ever write is interacting with complex systems no one fully understands, and it will sometimes act unpredictably

    Programming is about finding patterns in the chaos, then using them to get the result you want. You need consistency - not deterministic outcomes. You can program with anything you can find the patterns in - even human behavior or the physical world. You can program yourself.

    You can treat AI like something unknowable, or you can find the patterns and put them in your toolbox

  • I’m not sure customers are falling for it - this is why voting with your wallet doesn’t work. People rage against games that launch in an unfinished state, particularly when they’re full price. Steam reviews often incorporate price point - statements like “don’t buy this at full price” or “this might have been worth it at $20, but this is not a $70 game” come up a lot

    Sales for AAA games are way down, we just saw the biggest failure in gaming history. Casual reading of steam reviews show people clearly have different expectations based on price, Twitter sometimes explodes with anger at specific moves (like Helldivers requiring PSN) and they back off (temporarily), but they always go back to the bullshit

    The feedback mechanism of “voting with your wallet” doesn’t communicate this message. Metrics show purchases, refunds, and active users… That’s what fits on a spreadsheet. They see a game failing, but that doesn’t mean they’ve understood why

    AAA studios don’t want to understand what makes a game succeed or fail - they just want a formula to min-max ROI. They want strong numbers at launch, but they also want to minimize production costs, and they treat costs (like developers) as line items - they learn the wrong lessons, because they aren’t concerned with the creative part of game design. They want to be the next Madden or assassin’s creed, they want to figure out how to get players to pay $70 + micro transactions (or better yet a subscription too), but they also want their employees to be interchangeable cogs they can push to burn out then replace

    AAA gaming is dying from this, but it’s an oligarchy at this point - large corporations are unable to understand nuance or truly innovate - these are things people do when they have autonomy. They don’t do team building or R&D anymore - that’s a gamble that sometimes pays off big, but not in a quarter or two. They aquire then kill off what made the team work in the first place - any individual can tell you that’s a recipe for failure, but by nature they keep the decision making far removed from the people actually doing the work

  • I’m pretty happy with where my car is at. It’s got this cool thing where you plug a cord in, and the sound comes through the speakers. Then it displays right on my phones screen, which I put under the speedometer so I can glance at it without turning my head

    It’s like magic, my car does the car stuff and my phone does the phone stuff, and if I wanted a closer relationship between the two I could buy a cheap off the shelf component that plugs into the standardized ports (no disassembly required). No updates, my car can’t snitch on me and the only subscription is satellite radio

    Honestly I can’t think of anything I’m missing out on. I don’t have a backup camera or blindspots warnings, but I’ve never used them or needed them. Smarter cruise control sounds worthwhile, but until I can safely take my eyes off the road I’m more worried about it making me complacent.

    As far as entertainment, or even navigation? I’ve never heard someone say “man, my phone experience is terrible, I wish it was more like my car”

    At this point, I’m more inclined to convert my car to electric than to buy a more modern one