Recent change in life circumstances, and now I’m trying to figure out how to be an adult about food. I want to focus on eating healthy. I have very little foundational knowledge, so I need ELI5-level content. I’d love some online resources that I could use to learn. In-person classes are not a great fit. Anyone have any recommendations?

    1 year ago

    This can feel pretty daunting, but the wonderful thing about cooking is that its difficulty almost always scales with what you actually want.

    If you have little foundational knowledge about nutrition and what a home-cooked meal actually, like, looks like, I would recommend taking a bit of a hybrid approach: pre-made meals from a service like Freshly, Factor, or Sunbasket, and home-cooking from scratch. Think of this like training wheels.

    Freshly, Factor, and other companies like them offer really high-quality, healthy, tasty meals with fully accounted for nutritional and caloric details. If you did a 7 or 14 meal-weekly delivery, you could have at least one guaranteed meal per day that would be something you could study and easily replicate yourself.

    Now, as for actual cooking:

    Identify a few foods that you typically gravitate to. I don’t mean something as broad as “japanese” or “mexican,” but more specific, like “ramen” or “quesadillas.” Believe it or not, you can make very healthy versions of both of those foods - you just wouldn’t want to eat them every day.

    Once you identify the foods that you love, you can start to plan what your week will look like. If you want to have, say, chicken with noodles and some greens for dinner every night for a week, you could do the following:

    You can buy a 5-pound pack of chicken thighs for between $8 and $17 bucks, depending on where you live. This will make 7 dinner’s worth of chicken.

    Buy your favorite kind of greens, whether its broccoli, asparagus, kale, etc.

    Buy a bag of russet potatoes. Don’t peel them!

    Buy some parchment paper. Put a piece of it on the baking sheet so it covers the surface. Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees.

    Heat a skillet on your stovetop on medium heat, pour a little olive oil in, and wait until the oil starts to crackle a little bit. Put the chicken thighs a few at a time on the hot skillet and get them a little brown - we’re talking two minutes either side. Do this for all the chicken thighs while the oven pre-heats.

    Once the oven is fully heated, put the chicken thighs on the parchment paper on the baking sheet, lightly drizzle them with olive oil, and sprinkle some salt, pepper, and umami seasoning on them. Cook for 40 minutes at 375.

    While this is happening, prep a second cooking sheet with potatoes and greens. Cut the potatoes into quarters, and mix them up with the broccoli or asparagus on another cooking sheet, also on parchment paper. Season them with olive oil salt, pepper, and whatever else you’re feeling, and wait until the chicken is done.

    Once it is, put the potatoes and broccoli in the hot oven and cook for 30 minutes at the same heat.

    Let all of this food cool on the stove - do NOT put it in your fridge while it’s hot - and then portion them out in the tupperware you bought. Eat that shit all week.

    For breakfast, you’re on your own. I’ve never mastered anything past protein bars and eggs, but that’s a willpower thing.

    1 year ago

    YouTube will be your friend for the how to cook. Though myself I learnt heaps from a book called The 4 Hour Chef by Tim Ferriss. There’s also How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman that covers a lot.

    As for what to cook? I’ve found the easiest way for me has been to batch cook (or meal prep). You cook up many servings of something and then eat it over the course of a week. I find it easier to stick to because it’s less work to just heat something up, rather than cook every night.

    A good framework on what to cook is using a basis of meat + veggies + starch (noodles/rice/bread/etc) + flavour. Think of what you like and you can break it down into these categories. Then experiment within this. It’s not comprehensive but it’s a handy tool.

    1 year ago

    Ooohboy. Foundational knowledge is tricky, because cooking is very much applied knowledge. Book or even observational learning is fairly meh, you have to do it.

    Honestly, the best advice I can give is to start with breakfast. Scramble some eggs to eat with toast. Try your hands at pancakes. French toast. Stuff like that.

    Just get recipes online, look for well-reviewed ones and they’ll at least be okay. Usually. You can watch videos to get an overview, but you’re going to find when you go to do it yourself, it’s more “uuuuhhh…” since videos always have so much cutting in them and the video can’t communicate things like heat. Make sure you google any recipe vocab you don’t know. Don’t guess, google it.

    Reason for breakfast is that the recipes are brain-dead easy, relatively forgiving of any fuckups, and will begin to teach you the basics in a certain order. You’ll get heat management and recipe reading, and even work in some knife skills with things like omelettes. Start with scrambled eggs though. Very basic lesson in heat management and cooking time, hard to fuck up, will build some confidence.