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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Reroll at what point? “Hey, kids, today you’ll learn about resurrection, and what that booth is for”. There could be billions of people with no clue about the rules, let alone trust in how it would work.

    And it’s just that much messier if non-humans are part of the cycle. Hundreds of billions of farm animals and semi-domestic species like rats, and all the rest of nature. They don’t get opt-outs.

  • Trees are cheap and effective, but humans are destructive. If we just left nature alone, cut meat production to a level where we could pull everything back to older fields, it would recover relatively quickly.

    Meaning we need to prosecute and take punitive actions against humans and corporations who just can’t cope with not being destructive. Any business that’s willingly involved needs to lose everything. Make it impossible to profit from, remove the incentives for farmers when the money disappears and loans can’t be given out because the banks stopped existing.