This is what never facing a consequence until you’re almost 80 years old looks like.
Pro tip: if you don’t like melting down and storming out of courtrooms— then don’t rape people.
✨The more you know 💫
Or maybe just don’t rape people?
That’s asking a lot.
That is simply not a reasonable option for Orange Hitler.
Sisters, brothers, and others - I give you the Republican Party’s chief representative of all things they consider good and holy.
i hear he’s closely related to jesus
Practically twins!
He’s exactly like Jesus except better in every way!/s
He’s exactly like Jesus except
betterin every way!/s
He’s an insecure, narcissistic, ignorant, idiot… and this is the reason why so many Americans worship him… because he makes them feel like their negative personality traits are a good thing.
Trump is a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.
Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich person.
Trump is a weak person’s idea of a strong person.
He’s demented, a convicted fraud, and a rapist who can’t stop lying. Oh yeah and the treason.
… are his hands really that small or was it photoshopped?
I always thought that was a joke but Jesus look at that little guy
Deadpool 2
Next to his ego, everything looks small.
Guess that loser shit his diaper again.
Hope it’s like 100 million or more.
Kick him right in the muffin-top above his micro-penis.
83.3M. close but no cigar
He’ll just tell the MAGA’s to pay for it.
They already are. It’s called the RNC national fund.
It’s pretty clear these tantrums are a form of marketing for the fools who take what this guy says at face value. He stormed out!? IT MUST BE A WITCH HUNT!
truly pathetic
What if he’s just a giant man-baby who gets up in front of a crowd and spendshiswhole time whining?
The undefeated master debater tactic strikes again!
He’s a master bater for sure.
I saw it and it was more like a baby elephant walk
Damn you and Henry Mancini.
Is there a way to block all posts with anything Trump in the title? I can’t take it anymore.
Why? I love it! He’s taking ass-whooping after ass-whooping for the most part. Saddle up, it’s election season and democracy is literally on the line. If there’s one year to stay in tune, it’s now.
Fair if one isn’t American, though this clearly has global implications and we could use all the help we can get to push back against bots.
That’s true. I’m just on the verge of losing all hope in humanity. The fact that Trump still appears to be a suitable presidential candidate to many Americans is a major contributing factor.
Yeah… I hear you. Unfortunately ignorance and echo-chambers abound and low-educated uninformed voters are exploited by massive right-wing megaphones.
If it makes you feel better, Trump never once won the popular vote and the polls the last 2 election cycles have skewed toward Trump because Millennials and Gen Z are underrepresented. Moreover there really isn’t any sign that Trump is magically garnering more Trump supporters who weren’t already. To the contrary, 4 years have passed with his most ardent base of boomers dying off while a massive number of new young adults have since entered the fold. (here’s hoping Taylor Swift keeps pushing Voter registration). Trump has no incumbent advantage. The economy (by Republican standards) is doing great. Everyone is on to the maga attempt to steal elections and that has for the most part been dismantled.
So assuming high turnout, the fascists will be routed once again.
Thank you for the good news. It’s refreshing to hear something positive for a change. I hope the situation develops similarly here in Germany. It’s great to see hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets to rally against the resurgence of right-wing populism and fascism in our country. So apparently not all hope is lost yet. Let’s hope for the best.
Hear, hear. Good luck, my friend.
He’s hoping for an Oscar nomination.
But it’s bad acting.